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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. I wish it had been dark. Squalls are so much more fun at night, slowly watching distant lights dim out as visibility drops. I really miss the warm glow of snow lit by sodium streetlights. Color temps above 3500k outside at night just make me irrationally angry.
  2. Squall Report Card Wind A+, intense, 41mph Snow A+, ultra low visibility, hard to breathe when facing the wind. Duration D. It was half over by the time I found my jacket and headed out onto the stormdeck. Comments Most interesting 120 seconds of the year.
  3. Nice gusty squall. Sleet, rain and a few slushballs.
  4. ok that was more interesting than anything that happened last summer
  5. Looks like a summer storm is about to blow. Dark ominous clouds. Very nice. Gold finches are starting to get some summer colors.
  6. Anyone here ski at Gunstock? Curious what the opinions are. Lots of local drama the last few months over the huge expansions proposed. https://www.laconiadailysun.com/news/local/gunstock-eyes-major-expansion-adding-new-terrain-lifts-hotel/article_11046df4-38df-11ec-b80c-0f5db8370eef.html
  7. Wow, after snowmist all day, the air is suddenly thick with big fluffy cottonballs.
  8. I've been dumping my station data from WU into a mysql database to make gathering fun stats easier. I meant to do this in 2005 but I've been busy. Big thanks to wunderground for making this as difficult as possible and for losing all the data before 2008.
  9. Big lolz at the 9.5" for Laconia. That goes beyond slant sticking and into the realm of horizontal sticking.
  10. Freezing drizzle in progress. About 1" of sleet. Decent amount of glazing.... enough to sag the white pine limbs a little.
  11. Noisy sleet hitting the windows with a couple wet flakes mixed in.
  12. I have somewhat unrealistic dreams where a 1000 mile wide and 200 mile deep derecho comes at me from the northwest and the last radar frame I see before my roof peels off looks a lot like this.
  13. Not sure I've ever seen "from" abbreviated before.
  14. Yep... it's actually frozen all the way up the channel to the bridge. Been quite a while since that happened.
  15. Man oh man, just had two back to back gusts that had me moving to the side of the house furthest from the trees. It's just roaring. Cranked up the heat just in case. Overall lame storm but with a sweet grand finale. B-
  16. Must be about 6+" out there and I'm pretty sure half of it fell in the last hour. Nice waist deep drift has encircled the bird feeders which is the only place on my property that I need to get to on a regular basis.
  17. Just left the office after doing some paperwork for the last few hours. Did not expect to come out to a roaring, full-tilt nuclear whiteout. Omg.
  18. Wind died way down about 30 mins ago, so the great blizzard of 2022 is now just starting to cover the pavement.
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