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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. I just want to plant my tomatoes May 15th for God sake, is that too much to ask for!?! Lol
  2. The orioles never hang around, take some food from the feeders, play around in the flowering pear trees and the apple tree (if it is flowering, which it isn't yet) and move on...
  3. Probably couldn't pick her out from the other 50 brown birds that come along, lol...it has been quite the 24 hrs for bird watching at the house. Had a Pileated Woodpecker, a Spotted Towhee, and now this guy...
  4. This guy actually ventured up to my window feeder this morning....no fear
  5. 25.5 out there right now....heat has been been running off and on all night.
  6. From hail to a rain/sleet/snow shower, what an April so far....
  7. I do not not heat my greenhouse, by this time I typically wouldn't need to anyway. The past 2 weeks have been close to killing off some of my plants in there, my strawberries started flowering a week ago. It has been consistently 80s and 90s during the day, 30s at night...
  8. I will take the snow without the power problems....my stocked freezer + no generator is not a great combination
  9. lol, 4-6 inches here...Would be the biggest storm of the season for me, go figure
  10. Flakes have been flying for the past 30 minutes, a good coating on elevated surfaces..nice surprise here 34.0 degrees atm
  11. My sugar peas finally broke ground and are an inch tall, so why not...could be the latest snowfall I have ever experienced, so let's do this.
  12. Just dumped the stratus, 3.57" of rain and a giant branch from the white pine that snapped and is dangling right over my garden...
  13. A couple of big gusts earlier, the rain has been quite impressive though....Davis has over 2.50 inches so far, so probably pushing 3 on the stratus
  14. I would prefer not to have power issues during the whole pandemic...at least there isn't any leaves on the trees yet, hopefully that will prevent some power outages. So what are the social distancing rules during high wind warnings?
  15. I had almost an inch in the morning that melted for the most part, followed by another 2 inches with the second round. Probably ended up with around 3 inches here in Newtown....
  16. Giant flakes mixed with sleet 32.6° and about 2" on the snowboard, even the roadways are starting to cave.....
  17. not sure what the individuals looked like at 0z or even 6z, but there were some good looking "snow weenie" numbers on that 12z run for SNE....Better than this entire year, so who knows..
  18. This picture just popped up on FB from 5 years ago....to think I saw less than 0.5" this entire February.
  19. I would assume that cluster just east of Long Island would work pretty well for us around here, maybe even those just to the south?
  20. This season has had a bunch of those, even a handul of rain to Mainers which models had shown CT the actually getting snow 5-8 days out. In other words, give it 3 days from now...
  21. Might be where we want it right now? No way it verifies in that exact location, 5.5 days out. Tug that thing west another 200 miles and we are golden back here...
  22. I see the lonestar and Asian varieties are on the upTICK in Fairfield county...Just what we need those and mosquitoes with EEE, we needed and record cold winter to help knock some of the populations back and we couldn't even get "cold" this year...
  23. Watch it be the one that sneaks up within 5 days..If anything we turn the page to March and we suddenly get more snow than January/February combined...definitely happened in the first 10 days of March last year.
  24. 51° at 10:38 am on February 24th and it feels great. Took a great hike in the woods yesterday and no ticks were found, I know this can't last forever....It is great to have really cold mornings followed by warm afternoons, keeps the ticks at bay for the most part.
  25. I have had 4.5" since December 18th, 3.7" of that fell in the SWFE on January 18th....I lived 20 miles south of Newark for 6 years and I am pretty sure we averaged 15 inches per year, which is exactly where I sit for this season....
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