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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. 37.2 for the low, where is summer?
  2. The garden loves this weather, but I am ready for Sunday....
  3. 67/67 here...finally broke down yesterday and turned the a/c on....even the toilet bowls were sweating
  4. 80.1/67.6 here...not sure it feels that "humid". My Davis is 2 years old, sits 6 feet off the ground using a metal pole. It gets airflow from 3 directions but my property is surrounded by woods and wetlands...
  5. Yup, just made it here...temperature has started to drop as well, you can feel the cool breeze coming from the NE just over the past 10 minutes.
  6. 66/65 here currently and pouring...feels quite soupy out there at the moment, floors have that sticky feeling. Feels like a summer morning for a change...
  7. 32.0 here...had a feeling we were getting cold last night, so I covered almost everything. Hopefully all survived.
  8. Ugly...Mushrooms and Mosquitoes ftw?
  9. 29.8 this morning, hopefully this is the last freeze until October....
  10. Flakes flying here again, deck is a sheet of ice with a coating of snow...31.1 this morning.
  11. Wind is whipping, temp down to 35 and now we have some snow falling....what a May 9th!
  12. Every one of these maps look like they should be from late November or early March, not May 9th...crazy
  13. I just want to plant my tomatoes May 15th for God sake, is that too much to ask for!?! Lol
  14. The orioles never hang around, take some food from the feeders, play around in the flowering pear trees and the apple tree (if it is flowering, which it isn't yet) and move on...
  15. Probably couldn't pick her out from the other 50 brown birds that come along, lol...it has been quite the 24 hrs for bird watching at the house. Had a Pileated Woodpecker, a Spotted Towhee, and now this guy...
  16. This guy actually ventured up to my window feeder this morning....no fear
  17. 25.5 out there right now....heat has been been running off and on all night.
  18. From hail to a rain/sleet/snow shower, what an April so far....
  19. I do not not heat my greenhouse, by this time I typically wouldn't need to anyway. The past 2 weeks have been close to killing off some of my plants in there, my strawberries started flowering a week ago. It has been consistently 80s and 90s during the day, 30s at night...
  20. I will take the snow without the power problems....my stocked freezer + no generator is not a great combination
  21. lol, 4-6 inches here...Would be the biggest storm of the season for me, go figure
  22. Flakes have been flying for the past 30 minutes, a good coating on elevated surfaces..nice surprise here 34.0 degrees atm
  23. My sugar peas finally broke ground and are an inch tall, so why not...could be the latest snowfall I have ever experienced, so let's do this.
  24. Just dumped the stratus, 3.57" of rain and a giant branch from the white pine that snapped and is dangling right over my garden...
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