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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. At least we have day 10, we know how well they have worked out so far this winter....
  2. I wish it were snow, at least you can actually do fun winter things with the snow. Instead I have to send the kids out with helmets, knowing that when they fall and land on what is a solid glacier, they won't end up with brain damage. I think the layers of freezing rain have helped preserve it as well. There is still a solid 2 inch pack with a layer of ice in areas that don't get full sun, sunny areas just have the occasional ice burg.
  3. First few flakes starting to fly now, 27.7°/15°
  4. My sleet from 2 storms ago is still around, even on parts of my neighbors driveway, if it was snow it would have been gone a while ago. I will take sleet over rain anyday...
  5. Looks great down in MD/Southern PA, wish it could look like that at least once this year....
  6. Lol at the Kuchera, its like 3 ft around Boston
  7. Fair enough, thanks! It is nice to see it at day 8 rather than 10... I feel like the Euro has had a few day 10 "biggies", nothing around 8, at least it has that going for it. EURO + BLOCKY patterns might help it in forecasting ability, pulling that from the weenie handbook.
  8. We take...Can this please be one of these systems that the EURO sees way out in time and keep it the whole way through? The days of the old EURO. I guess what I am saying, is this a thread the needle deal 8 days out? Because we know how this will end up if it is.
  9. looks like another setting up right after the first one....lets do this and shift to spring afterwards, is that asking too much?
  10. Nam has snow pushing farther north and east and a bit earlier now, around 19z tomorrow for here. I'm not sure how far north that initial push could make it, but it is going to make for a horrendous evening commute if it is correct...
  11. 3 runs in a row now...the high retreating faster might be allowing for this to happen...5 inches not the far away from here...watch NYC get their biggest event
  12. I agree, late Feb sun already melting things on the deck while it is 21 degrees. Besides it looking nice having snow fall, small events vaporize quickly in full sun at this point, especially the fluffy kind...
  13. The trend all season has been to flip to sleet/rain quicker than modeled, the warm push aloft has not really been denied this season...not every storm is the same, but I see no reason why it will be any different with this storm down there.
  14. The EURO has been steadily taking snow away from the Mid Atlantic and marching it northeast ward. Watch this storm be our second biggest snow producer. I think the 6z had 2-3 inches before the changeover down here.
  15. After thinking 3-6 inches was going to be on the ground when I wake up, only to hear sleet hitting the window and still seeing the grass. I will believe it when I am snow blowing it.
  16. nice to see our freezing drizzle flip to some snizzle with the occasional larger flakes mixed in....30.8
  17. The freezing drizzle is accumulating nicely at 29.5 degrees....
  18. Eyeballing a half inch here, maybe....horrible, all sleet with some freezing rain. 29.7
  19. Hrrr has it filling in after 6z, it still gives us 3-4 inches despite the crappy radar now. We shall see, as of now things aren't looking very good.. 30.4/23
  20. seeing 0z models backtrack so far gives me pause, seems like the "goods" are going to be to the north and east....
  21. Had a few flakes so far, looks good just to my north...1-2 southern Counties? 30.7°/22°
  22. It looked a hair colder too where it has been marginal...
  23. Hopefully that bit of warm air aloft dissipates as we get closer and non of us have to worry about it. I'm a few miles south of 84, so it's kind of a toss up...
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