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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. IronTy

    Winter 2021-22

    All the progs indicated last year was supposed to be promising and it sucked. Everybody is expecting this winter to suck so I'm going to invoke Bob Farrell's rule of investing: When all the experts and forecasts agree — something else is going to happen Look for this winter to produce.
  2. I ended up with 3.1", iweather also confirms a heavy pocket just north of prince fred.
  3. That last cell bumped me above 3" but it does seem to be finally starting to tail off.
  4. It's ruthless down here. 2" overnight and probably close to a other inch from the current blob of rain with a large area of action incoming. Very tropical, reminds me of when I spent a month in Borneo, but that rain was always in the afternoon.
  5. It's just sitting over us and growing. Easy couple inches out of this storm. A lot of lightning and thunder but no wind luckily.
  6. Storm blowing up over me. Just arose from nowhere and it's pouring with thunder. Woohoo, here we go again...
  7. IronTy

    Winter 2021-22

    No worries, I don't want to live on the lake. We may not have much snow down here in Calvert but I can get more than my fix of water down here. We're also looking at some coastal property along the Eastern shore after the cabin is in place. My only criteria for that is I need to be able to get on a small motorboat here in Calvert and boat directly across the bay to a dock on the eastern shore property so we avoid having to drive up and over the bay bridge.
  8. IronTy

    Winter 2021-22

    Thanks @psuhoffman, this is a great reply. My thoughts currently are somewhere between Accident to South near Deep Creek. As you indicate I don't want to be too far from 68 because if it's too much hassle to drive to then it will just become a chore. We do a lot or winter backpacking in places like the Dolly Sods and Otter Creek wildernesses in WV so want to be relatively near those, but at the same time be able to hit places like Swallow Falls in MD. As you and @nj2va correctly point out it is mostly upslope, my bad, which is fine with me. Those sorts of snows are more reliable than the hopes of a big nor'easter. My wife and I are both originally from Michigan and while we never had costal storms there (obviously) we really miss the array of moderate snows over the course of the winter that really added up. Especially lake effect. It's a bit of a tradeoff for isolation vs. being near at least some sort of town. We'll need to work on that. I do want some rugged terrain with preferably some hemlock forest (before they're all gone) so somewhere ion the North side of a ridge would be good....but also need to be able to put in a driveway and utilities and it needs to be driveable! Being near Deep Creek lake also wouldn't be bad assuming I could get somewhere that wasn't under threat of immediate development. I'm retiring at the end of the year so I have all next year to get the land picked out! I'll hit you guys up as I start to circle in on locations as property comes on the market. Ty
  9. IronTy

    Winter 2021-22

    I'm going to be buying some property (100ac or so) in Garrett county MD or thereabouts next year. The whole purpose is to get some rugged mountain forest and build a small cabin on it so my wife and I have some place to go to enjoy cozy winter landscape. Any resources for which parts of western MD get the most snow? Literally 75% of the reason for this property is so we can see a noreaster coming, bust out of SoMD and drive to the cabin, and enjoy the heavy snow by the wood stove and snowshoes.
  10. Drought has started falling from the sky pretty heavily down here. With all this drought we should have a pretty good leaf season this fall.
  11. We had a solid blob of rain right over us last night, ended up with just under 1.5".
  12. I got over 4x the rain from this storm than from Elsa.
  13. ZOMG WE HAD TORNADOES AND WIND GALORE!!! Oh nevermind we just had 0.4" of rain and I'm not sure there was even a breeze. Guess I shouldn't complain.
  14. IronTy

    Winter 2021-22

    I'm sniffing out an analog to 1958. Lock it in.
  15. How much precip does Short Pump get?
  16. "That's the classic signature of a drought" - Some old pro
  17. Just had some drizzle here, enough to get everything wet again. Another stellar weekend lining up. At least it's dry enough to open the windows I guess.
  18. For crying out loud. What does it take to get a day with DFN like this and monsoon precip in January? It happens all the time in summer anymore.
  19. Up to 2" now. I have my brand new 2021 Acura NSX being delivered to my house in about 15min and it just started pouring rain. Awesome.
  20. Storms popping up over Calvert County now. Got over 1" yesterday. The drought drags on.
  21. I think this is the worst two day weather stretch of all time when you consider time of year, holiday weekend and averages.
  22. I'm at 2.4" now. Seems familiar.
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