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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. 3hrs after the 06Z? ETA, according to WB I think it's 835am EST....for the 12K
  2. Make hay while the sun shines SoMDers. We outta just be thankful for a model run that gives us the snow even if there's not a chance in hades that it verifies.
  3. That thing is in the doghouse for the foreseeable future.
  4. My expectations were a bit higher, I'd call it a nice light snow, I guess. And it was nice to happen on a weekend so I could enjoy it. Maybe next weekend will be a bit more substantial.
  5. Euro has a monster storm for us next weekend. Take it to the bank...
  6. Lol, what a dump of a "storm". I don't even think my grass was covered fully. It looks nice, I guess. I'm ready for spring.
  7. Man what a bust, we got maybe 2" tops and now it's rain. Can't believe I spent so much time tracking this system. Sigh, them's the breaks I guess. We definitely busted low relative to almost all the models, maybe the 3k NAM was close? How about that canadian, lmao.
  8. I'm on plum point so very close to that. Yes the pain of winter in SoMD is real. I did get 27" in december 2009 though, so it can happen...wasn't born yet in 79 though. Seems like this event might underperform, as per the usual. Snowing pretty good right now.
  9. Southern Maryland reporting in. ETA- Danger! Already at 35.6F, Danger!
  10. 2016 had to be the most depressed I ever felt to get double digit snows.
  11. I think I forgot how to even deal with snow anymore. I'm still skeptical this is gonna happen. I do like how cold it is this morning to help get the ground cold enough so that anything that does fall doesn't instantly melt like normally seems to happen.
  12. After the 2016 bust I think we're due, hopefully the weather agrees with me.
  13. Gotta say, for the first time in half a decade it feels good being in southern Maryland and looking at snowmaps.
  14. It's been stuck on 30hr for like 30mins now.
  15. What's that rain showing up in the southern tip of calvert county? Get that junk outta there.
  16. Tomorrow storm was looking ok but then it kills the northern edge just as it moves south of us.
  17. Per the Euro yesterday that's in meters, right?
  18. Consensus was we are all-in starting with tomorrow's 12Z run. Yeah the day is on top.
  19. Need to buy some futures in wood to build string instruments.
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