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Its a Breeze

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Everything posted by Its a Breeze

  1. CMC is cold to end vice cold to start this run. Not sure what everyone is worried about. All of this is excellent progress. Yesterday, worried about it cutting and cold air. Today just worried about cold air. Tomorrow, no worries! Right?
  2. What we want doesn't match the geography of our area... 99% of our storms are crazy rare things happening at the right time.
  3. And folks are getting all bent out of shape, lol It clearly doesn't know what to do with this storm yet. We still have plenty of time before panicking....
  4. Definitely the early January storm. Almost hitting climo with one storm is always a good thing. After January the rest of the year was pretty meh, though during one of the summer storms I captured upward lightning, which was cool.
  5. You are 100% correct. If this was opposite day. Under no circumstances, does that ever work out for us, lol.
  6. As others have mentioned, last January is a perfect example. It was in the 50s and 60s all week prior to the storm, including the low 60s the day before. I ended up with 13.5" And yeah not always, but it is far more common for it to be mildish before a snow here, than a nice solid cold air mass already in place. Edit to add: Completely agree rates are key. And yes we always waste a bunch, but...that's just to be expected.
  7. Often? How about always. I never understand why people still say that stuff ("it's too warm", "it won't stick", etc.) Do you not remember the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that? A 'cold snow' is about as rare as a white Christmas around here.
  8. Ugh, remember 2016, when literally down the street the recordings were several inches to about a foot more.... Why they choose to still measure at whatever spot they're measuring at DCA is beyond me.
  9. Not sure climate change cracks to the top 10 reasons why we fail, yet... We're neither north nor south, stuck between mountains and an ocean. I think that's reason enough for boom or bust....
  10. Close, but not since records have been kept. I was wrong with '98. The latest was actually in 1906 - May 6th. '97-'98 did tie with '72-'73 with the least amount of snow for a season - "0.1. Basically 2 flakes fell.
  11. Whatever the record is, pretty sure it happened in '98
  12. Yeah, pretty much. Every single one has shown snow for the region at some point. The EURO may not be what we want...but it still consistently has at least a little snow for everyone. The CMC started this whole mess (first to show 12"+)
  13. Why? Or am I reading this wrong? At this point we should be waiting and seeing...
  14. GFS...EURO.... blah What does the JMA have to say?
  15. Wait...worst as in worst? Or worst, as in worst?
  16. Still there with the 12Z. Hurricane season starts in May now (not sure whether to put a period or question mark there)
  17. Well, in the winter months. I think Isabel (and the derecho?) may take issue with that claim.
  18. 16 Jan: 2.5 28 Jan: 1.2 Total: 19.7" Really shouldn't complain at all about the 'should have beens', I mean I'm going to, but it's been a good year so far.
  19. Just writing this here so I don't forget... Next week I will be a week away from a couple days away from predicting we don't "flip" until March.
  20. e) Only to return on tomorrow's 12z Yesterday it was on the 29th, today it's on the 30th, I imagine tomorrow will push the storm to the 31st. End January with a bang.
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