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Its a Breeze

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Everything posted by Its a Breeze

  1. Realistically, we could have retired "it's just 10 days away" in December. We have NOT had any actual realistic threats so far this season, including this latest, so there's no reason to think we'll get one now. If we happened to score this March, then great, I will enjoy it for the <12hrs it sticks around. But this schloppy mess, at best, we're trying hanging our hats on right now? No thanks. I'd rather see nothing.
  2. Not close to Christmas Eve Eve's 43 degree same day temperature change, but yesterday's 36 degree temp change (in the wrong, but felt so right, way) was the second 35+ degree same day change we've seen so far this season...
  3. For the first time this season, every model has snow for the region <24 hours before the event and <24 hours after an 80 degree day.
  4. Only higher by a mile or two... LA, the city part, is not coming close to seeing snow.
  5. Only day 10 storms that show up for one run per day are allowed! They should know that by now....
  6. At some point this perpetual cycle of mid-week warm-ups followed by a cool/cold start to the weekend has to stop, right?
  7. Literally. Meteorological Spring starts NEXT week. Not that Winter began in the first place.... Are there those still desiring on last gasp? Why at this point? Let this winter remain in the trash where it belongs. It is late Feb. Late Feb has not been rocking. Can the March thread start? And it only be about potential warm temps?
  8. Was just looking at this earlier today. DCA has had one 100+ degree day in the past 9 summers. The longest "cool" stretch like that since the late 60s-early 70s. Only the second such stretch.
  9. I hope we are. No point now. Like, I still wouldn't mind seeing a day here or there of snow. As long as it's close to 70 a couple days later....
  10. GFS has another 10-12 FEET of snow for the Cali mountains. Can we post that here instead of our nothing?
  11. Still showing way too much rain. Any rain this time of year is too much rain....
  12. Not being fooled. Putting my humming bird feeders out next week.....
  13. Buffalo to Rochester is basically what, DC to Winchester? If Winchester has 1000" of snow and we had none.....................
  14. 4 years is large enough. You are absolutely correct. There are of course exceptions, but we don't get consistently warm until May. While we remain consistently warm (or at least nice) basically to early November. Still like Spring more though. Man...that first real warm day, before the humidity creeps in, everything's blooming and bright....perfect.
  15. At present, Beavis and Butthead currently have the better chance...
  16. This uses the 1961-1990 average to compare 4,000 years. Why? lol Thanks! I'll look through this deeper at home. (the second chart was derived from this right?) I mean...yeah? (I am a data scientist) Depends on how messy and how problematic... And just so that it is ABUNDANTLY clear, I am in no way saying the earth is not warming. It is. Or that the warming in the past hundred years has not be significant as compared to more recent history.
  17. This chart suffers from the same lack of information as the other. 90% of the other chart (the black/dark line, which we assume is a X year average) is above the 0 line. 90% of this chart is below it. What is the 0 line? Why is is different in both charts? Whether anomaly or average temp change...from what? A certain year? Who decided X year should be the base state?
  18. That's what I told my wi- I think we all are. Something. Anything!
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