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Everything posted by crossbowftw3

  1. Fire up the chainsaw because you’ve got a lot of trees to knock down
  2. Sustained TS force easily but I would assume some Hurricane Force gusts may be seen even if this thing does not come ashore as a hurricane.
  3. The window for more significant intensification is likely gone now considering though mid-range cat 1 is about the limit for this thing over the next 12 hours before its residency time over the Gulf Stream ends.
  4. Maybe 12 hours left to strengthen before coming into cooler waters. Twin Forks seems like the place to be for this to come ashore.
  5. And at fairly incredible pace too, all things considered, from where it was 12-18 hours ago
  6. Big sense now that most of CT is in trouble. Whether it’s eastern or western third (likely both) needs to be resolved in the next 18-24 hours.
  7. Surely there will be a boom in nine months. This is just the beginning
  8. HMON back to its senses WRT other guidance with an 82kt maximum
  9. I believe the cause was a power surge considering it was on Main Street.
  10. During the May 2018 Derecho I had no power for 3 days/6 hours after the storm and being without lights for 3+ days is no fun at all. The sad irony of that was a furniture store in town where I live caught fire when 75% of town got their lights back that Friday night. It sits gutted and abandoned now, a mere block from a certain celebrity’s wife’s shop. Life is weird, and so is the weather.
  11. I’m impressed. Connecticut has come a long way from the Stone Ages of...2020.
  12. Better hope Eversource can mobilize 1000 trucks out of their fannies because yall are going to need it
  13. Would wonder if us inland folks N/W of the city proper could see another rare summertime wind advisory like we did with Isaias.
  14. Definitely growing concerned with all of that potential water. Our threat isn’t wind...but...we may as well find the boats because we could be having to row our way to the supermarket next week. Lol.
  15. My concern for flooding here inland has gone up a good deal since the 12z models ran their course. Definitely have to think ALY/BGM will have just as much of a mess on their hands as OKX/BOX will watching where the heaviest rains end up.
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