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Everything posted by Steve25

  1. In all seriousness EJ, if you're of the mindset that it's not worth discussing until it's 5 days out, you really should take Bob's advice and take a break until next week at least. I've done it, and it does help clear my head and then when I come back, there's fun stuff to discuss in a much closer range. We know there won't be anything wintry in the next 5 days, so maybe this is the perfect time. Also to the rest of you, thanks for driving into the long range with these intelligent breakdowns. I don't have the knowledge of you guys, but I pick up bits and pieces of information.
  2. 1.5 on grass in Towson, just a very wet/slushy coating on some pavement. It was nice to watch fall though. Looking forward to a couple cold days before we get mild again for a bit.
  3. No frustration here. Common sense was that this would happen. That's why I said what I said earlier. Wasn't whining. Was just calling it how I saw it. Not sure why it's okay to do that when it supports snow but when it goes against the snow forecasts it's viewed as whining lol. It's easy to find actual whining. Also, to those of you getting nice snow, I'm thrilled for y'all! Hopefully we do get a big temperature drop for those waiting. Just remember that everything will be okay regardless, not the end of the world(or more accurately, winter).
  4. Every winter I'm so envious of you northern Baltimore County folks. It's always a good 5-10 degrees cooler up there then Towson lol
  5. I apologize if I came across as whining. I'm just trying to keep a realistic view. I'll zip it for the rest of the day and just see how things play out. Didn't intend to frustrate anyone.
  6. Not enough to allow for legitimate accumulation in DC or Baltimore. When I say legitimate, I mean an inch or more. Maybe I'll be wrong.
  7. Yeah, I think our best shot around here is a brief period of steady snow, but with very little accumulation. MAYBE up to an inch on grass and cold surfaces, but I'm thinking more like half an inch and wet roads. That's been my call for a few days now. Feel pretty confident now. North and west areas will certainly do much better, so I understand why those folks are really into it!
  8. I'm an amateur so forgive me, but am I really to expect accumulation in Baltimore with temps in the 40s, warm pavement already, and the system only lasting a few hours?
  9. Ahh the good old temperatures rising instead of dropping the night before an "event."
  10. It all depends on the temperatures for me. I love the snow as much as the next guy, but I also love the cold. I love huge snowstorms so my first inclination is to say the one 20" storm, but if it's mild the rest of the month, that wouldn't be worth it. I feel like 4 5" events would guarantee more cold air.
  11. How about the fact that it's looking increasingly likely that the Ravens will get a NIGHT in the 60s for their game, in January! It's also looking dry. What a treat for fans who are going out to that game! Lord almighty!
  12. Models looking better for the Ravens Saturday night. What was once looking like an absolute downpour, is now looking more like a dry slot. Hopefully that trend continues
  13. I'm expecting nothing more than possibly getting to watch a little light wet snow fall. That's it. We've gotta take what we can get lol.
  14. I try to see the bright side. I LOATHE Spring and Summer. So although I'm super bummed with no cold and snow, I'm still very pleased it's still Winter and not those other seasons. Also stats guys, anyone know how many winters we've been essentially shut out going into February and still wound up with solid numbers?
  15. That's the way I've always done it though, specifically when were caught in a frustrating pattern. I don't see the point in ever looking beyond 7 days. I can't count the times over the years things have either looked terrible or great in the 10-15 day range, and then ends up being completely wrong. I refuse to get bummed or excited over 10+ day outlooks. It's a waste of time, for me. I respect the guys who do deep dives into the long range patterns and signals. The ones who do it well are more intelligent than I'll ever be. With that said, I can't deal with seeing them say the signals look good in the long range, and then a couple days later say nevermind. It can be such a crap shoot at that range. If you want to get bummed about the long range, I feel for you. I'll continue to just focus on the forecast range I can have actual confidence in, which is also a bummer at the moment lol.
  16. I've decided to take the approach of only checking the models 7 day outlook and if there's no signs of anything decent, I don't look again for 3 days. It's way too stressful to look every set of models and see the same disappointment. At least waiting 3 days gives a little break.
  17. Anyone have content from that epic week in 2010? I could use it right about now lol
  18. Honestly, I'm just a winter lover to the max. Sure, I LOVE snow as much as any of us. I also love when it's downright cold. Those stretches where it's below freezing for like 7-10 days consecutively are amazing. Love watching bodies of water freeze over. I look forward to the 10 degree nights when I can walk my dog and just experience that bitter fresh cold air. It always makes me laugh when people try to tell me that no one actually loves winter, they just love snow because it gets them off work/school. I can't relate to that statement at all.
  19. Just saw that it's 60 degrees in Chicago...so at least we can take solace in the fact that it's not just us...no? Okay lol
  20. Props to you for sticking with them though. For whatever reason fans of bad teams always get mocked and picked on and that logic has never sat well with me. These fans who root for great teams and act like that makes them "better" than other fans. I always look forward to when teams that have been great go into a stretch of rough years to see which fans stick around and which jump ship.
  21. Awesome information! Now I'm dying to go back and see radar from some of those events but I can't seem to find any ways to get that. I have a source that I can see the precipitation, but it doesn't show precipitation type or temperatures. I swear Wunderground used to provide that, but they don't seem to anymore.
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