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Everything posted by Steve25

  1. Does anyone recall a time when a situation like next Tuesday/Wednesday actually worked out to provide accumulating snow? I'm sure it's happened, just can't think of any specific events.
  2. Man, I don't know where you guys live for last night but it got really nasty just north of Baltimore. Started around 10 PM, absolutely poured until about 11, then off and on bursts of heavy rain until about midnight. Serious flash flooding on the roads, nearly impossible to see while driving. I honestly thought it was going to be disappointing but it proved me wrong!
  3. Not to sound repetitive, but this is really nice to see. I cut my grass once pretty much in the last 2 months and it's debatable if it even needed it that one time.
  4. Nationals have a special talent in Juan Soto. The guy has the potential to become one of the most feared hitters in baseball as he enters his prime. He honestly reminds me of Joey Votto with his elite OBP ability with good power. I honestly think Soto will have more power though. Really looking forward to see what type of numbers he's producing in his prime!
  5. It's getting more easy for me to deal with the heat with each passing day because were getting closer to the months where 80's and 90's will be completely out of the picture.
  6. I don't recall it being warm at the end of last Summer. I just remember it being dark, damp, and cool seemingly everyday in August and September. My memory has failed me before though.
  7. Love the temperature look on the models next few weeks. Don't see any prolonged HOT stretches. A few days in the 80's next week, but otherwise hanging around 80. I wouldn't mind some solid rain chances, but if it wants to stay dry through November and then bring the precipitation, I wouldn't be mad lol. Just can't wait to get rid of these mid 70's low temperatures! Nasty!
  8. That offense has the potential to be elite. Turner, Rendon, and Soto are all elite offensive players. The rest of the lineup are at least solid offensively. The starting pitching looks legitimate, especially with Scherzer coming back. If they can get Doolittle right, they are a serious threat to anyone else in the NL.
  9. Random question for you guys. Do you know of a site where I can find radar loops from any point in the past? I know on Wunderground they used to allow you to search the past on radar but I can't seem to be able to do it anymore.
  10. It's funny. We push for advancements so we can have a better idea of what's coming, but it takes away the element of surprise, at least major surprises, which can be fun in their own right. Obviously it's better for society as a whole because it's better to be as prepared as you can be for potentially dangerous conditions. I guess the bright side for people like us is that no matter how advanced forecasting becomes, weather will always have it's surprises. I do agree though that the days of predicting nothing and then getting hammered with a big storm are well behind us.
  11. I once saw them up forecasted snow totals from 6 inches to 24 inches in 8 hours, and then we wound up getting nothing due to marginal temperatures lol. I don't think they will ever have a bigger forecast bust than that.
  12. Wondering if the sun will make an appearance after this light rain moves through the Baltimore area.
  13. Well, historically, my area has only had 3 periods where we went more than 3 full winters without a 10+ inch snow month. 1948/49-1952/53, 1967/68-1970/71, and 1972/73-1976/77. That's over 136 years of record keeping. So I'd say odds are in favor of at least one decent month for snow this winter.
  14. There's nothing scientific about this, but my area hasn't had a major snowstorm since January of 2016, I'd say I'm due. Had 30 inches of snow in January of 2016. My highest month since than was 7.8 inches in January of 2019. That's a long time without a double digit snow month.
  15. *Sees one flower* "Okay, that's enough Spring for me, I'm ready for winter." I'm loving the chill in the air today...dreading the next 6 months
  16. It's a bittersweet day. Sweet because it's freezing cold. Bitter because it's quite likely the final sub-freezing day until next winter
  17. I was just having a conversation about times that forecasts have called for a lot of snow(10+ inches) and it's busted significantly and how that has seems to happen way more than the opposite. It does seem to be the case. 1. Would you agree that significant busts happen way more than significant booms? 2. If so, why do you think that's the case? This conversation stemmed from NYC getting shafted by this last storm and then we were talking about that March storm from a few years ago when Cantore was in DC and we were supposed to get slammed but it was a 33 degree rainstorm.
  18. I think if I was in the areas closer to DC that got 10+ inches from that one storm, probably the January one you're referring to, I'd give this winter a B. I only got 5 inches from that one though.
  19. What are the summers like? Also is this the norm for winters there? I feel like I should know the answer to that but those pics are stunning!
  20. I do agree with the notion that winter can't just be judged on snow totals. For me, this winter was middle of the road. I had several small storms to track and I saw snow fall several times, and some little events over-performed. The lack of a pure snowstorm over 6 inches hurts my grade of this winter though. Also, the lack of a cold blast that lasts at least a week. As much as I love snow, I also love when it gets consistently cold enough to cause freezing of the bodies of water around here. I think that's so cool to see! Right now I'd grade it as a C. If we can get a surprise snowstorm at some point this month I could bump it up to a B but I highly doubt that.
  21. Where did you move, if you don't mind me asking?
  22. Sounds like me. I've looked up some things in Alaska and as much as people joke to me about moving there, it really might not be that crazy of a notion. People do live there lol.
  23. March rant: As the days continue to pass and the average temperatures are rising with each new sunrise, my anxiety increases. The acceptance that bugs, pollen, heat, and humidity are right around the corner is settling in. 7 months of misery upcoming before we get another 5 month break. I long for the future when I move somewhere that stays below 70 degrees most of the year! You'd think as I get older the warm seasons would get easier but it seems with age it becomes more unbareable. Time to grasp onto each cold day and try to bottle it up. That was a bit overdramatic, but it does sum up my feelings about Spring/Summer. I hate it with a burning passion, unless I'm at the beach, that's the only place I can enjoy it.
  24. I don't like that the best case scenario model has the entire snow falling with temperatures above freezing. Verbatim the GFS shows 5-8 inches in Central Maryland but you have to think with those temps it would be way less.
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