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Everything posted by GunBlade

  1. HRRR still showing snow tonight/tomorrow morning. Though not sure how much faith I have in it at this point...
  2. Bc there’s not much to report lol. We all woke up and saw feeezing rain and nothing else. I posted a cpl pics earlier of trees in my backyard. Sagging bad and a few transformers have blown and lights flickered.
  3. Trees in backyard getting really weighed down by the ice. https://m.imgur.com/a/LNiZXWe
  4. Wow so close to here too. I’ll get a pic of the trees shortly.
  5. HRRR keeps us in ZR until about 4 pm. Not good if true. Will get close to the clown ZR maps at this rate.
  6. Ice really adding up and power flickering. :/
  7. With several more hours of moderate precip rates expected, we have further nudged the ice accretion forecast upward, with total amounts of up to .5 inch possible from Greenville-Spartanburg to Charlotte metro by early afternoon.
  8. Yea there wasn’t that much when the sun started coming up. Seems to have really added up quickly now though and yes very windy.
  9. Coating of ice on everything here. Still 31/31. Sounds like a little sleet mixes in with big bursts of precip.
  10. I said something similar a couple days ago on here that I’d take .10 ZR after snow, which isn’t uncommon. Enough to coat everything and looks awesome in the light but not really enough to be damaging. Stay safe down there and hopefully it doesn’t get much worse.
  11. Man was really expecting more from your area at least. Oh so close for many of us.
  12. Glad you guys are cashing in up there! Looked so promising here but only snowed about an hour then went to sleet and freezing rain. Going to be borderline here of a lot of ice or not much of anything when it’s all done.
  13. Yup. Will see. Still getting some snow mixing in but nothing like before. 850 hasn’t moved more north at least.
  14. GSP has slashed totals down here based on warm nose as well per their discussion.
  15. 925’s still good but 850’s have really retreated a lot....lots of sleet here. 31/31 so if this keeps up we could be looking at a lot of ice...
  16. Piling up quick now! Ring doesn’t really catch the snow itself but it’s big flakes coming down hard.
  17. The other thing that I think helps us is the orientation of the CAD. Normally you see the classic NE orientation running from CLT up to RDU roughly. The 850’s and 925’s are oriented east to west this time covering most of NC. So even if there is warmer air being pushed in later, I assume it will take a lot more to erode that. Compared to when normally they just need to be eroded 10 or 15 miles west to break down the CAD here. 925’s continuing to fall. 850’s just had a pocket of -2 off to the NE form. Last time that happened was a -1 pocket which then quickly crashed S and SE.
  18. I lied. One more pic. All snow now, big flakes. Quickly coating elevated surfaces and started to accumulate on grass.
  19. Good signs here. 925 has really crashed, sitting at -1 now and -2 isn’t far away. 850 also down to -1.
  20. Last pic of the night with snow mixing in. Still quite a bit of sleet, flipping between more and less snow frequently.
  21. Brad P posted video of it snowing at there studio in CLT about 10 min ago as well.
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