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Everything posted by AMZ8990

  1. 12z GFS starting to move in line with the cmc in terms of cold air moving in after thanksgiving. LP swoops In and causes storms to rotate counter clock Wise From the Midwest down into Tennessee. Multiple storms have that counter clockwise rotation on modeling. Something fun to talk about at the very least, we will have to see how things progress over the next few days
  2. First frost of the year this morning in hardeman county!
  3. The pressure drop, I had saw on Twitter where someone in Chattanooga posted a MB chart and b pressure took HUGE nose dive towards the morning hours. Folks were complaining about it giving them a headache (old folks problems) here is the tweet though, could be BS. Just thought it was interesting when I read it https://twitter.com/MadSquire/status/1321851970227970058?s=20
  4. Did you notice the pressure drop this morning in Chattanooga, Jeff??
  5. You Chattanooga folks feeling the drop in pressure this morning? Saw where you guys bottomed out this morning in chatt around 6 am, was one steep drop off though.
  6. It’s crazy how large that storm was, lots of snow in eastern New Mexico and the Texas panhandle as well. Hate that Oklahoma got stuck with ice, that’s never fun.
  7. It was Chilly on the west side of the state today. Especially this morning
  8. This is off topic a bit but none the less. There is a meteor shower tonight, the Orionid meteor is its name. best time for viewing will be between midnight and dawn, with the most meteors per hour coming around 5am. So if you guys and gals are up tonight, check it out. The meteors will come from the east
  9. Screw that extended GFS but I could totally relate with Kansas football fans, y’all have had it pretty darn bad. But seriously, screw that extended GFS
  10. Heavy rain falling now in hardeman county, supposed to pick up around 1’-1.5’ today. Been raining steady the past 2 hours so we are on track it looks like
  11. Heavy storm just rolled through Hardeman County. 3 or 4 monster lightning strikes to go with it. These Small cells are packing a punch today.
  12. Looks like some cooling temps in the extended forecast, we will have to see if that holds. I’m just glad we’re not enduring a torch fest like we were this time last year.
  13. From everything I’ve seen, yes. Mississippi has been dealing with it for most of the day today.
  14. Looks like some nasty cells are gonna push through Memphis within the next few hours. Smaller line of storms but they are packing some serious rainfall.
  15. I didn’t think about it from the leaf perspective, that’s a great point. And yeah central ark is gonna get a lotttt of rain. I’m only worried about tornados personally, people on the east side of this system need to be on the look out for that. The storm surge in some of the Louisiana coastal areas looks catastrophic, definitely gonna keep those folks in my prayers.
  16. I’m still thinking Arkansas takes the brunt of the tropical storm. Won’t take much to put west Tn in the mix though. Definitely something we need to keep a eye on
  17. 4 weeks until fall y’all, We are getting closer!! Fun fact- in Memphis we’ve had four LA Niña winters since 2010. 3 of those 4 years produced measurable snow days. 1.8in on January 16th, 2018. 2.0in on January 6th, 2017. And 3.1in on February 11, 2011. January has been the best winter month for Memphis in La Niña setups over the last ten years statistically. ENSO neutral conditions have favored more December snows with 2 separate systems dropped .9in on December 26th, 2012, and a trace amount on December 30th, 2013. The daily snowfall record in Memphis of 14.3in also fell during a moderate La Niña on December 22, 1963. Long story short- La Niña winters are historically good for west Tn. Soon I’ll crunch some numbers and see how that translates to east and middle Tennessee winters.
  18. That’s what it looking like right now, we’ve got a 60% chance of La Niña for the fall, and 55% chance of it persisting through the winter. And yeah definitely significant if it pans out, we do well in La Niña situations here snow wise. At least for Memphis, I need to look at the numbers for east Tn to see how they match up compared to the Memphis numbers.
  19. Definitely looking like a La Niña brewing, what ya thinking @jaxjagman
  20. 4 inches of rain has fallen in Bartlett since 8:00AM Wednesday to now. Feast or famine with these storms rolling through West Tennessee
  21. Fall is inching closer so I figured we could use a discussion thread for long term pattern changes and fall predictions. Hope everyone is doing well!
  22. Heavy rain last night for just about everybody In south west Tn. McNairy County has some real bad flooding today In Selmer as well.
  23. Nice. I hadn’t had a chance to look at it this morning so that is good to know.
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