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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. It's screwed up that we have weather models for every major nation. Science should know no boundaries and we shouldn't have national weather models. All scientists across the world should be working together to create a universal model not this piecemeal kind of stuff.
  2. wow thats interesting, did LGA make it below zero?
  3. Chris, when is the sky going to be clear again at night- it seems like we're going to have a week of cloudiness. Do you think it might clear early Tuesday evening or will it be early Wednesday evening?
  4. excellent chart....JFK approaching 30"....where did you find this chart, ANT? do they also post a chart like this for storm totals? I saw one like it for Jan 2016.
  5. Don what did you mean by this: For the 10" December cases, that figure was somewhat lower at 30%. For the subset of December cases, it was 50%. Which subset of December cases are we talking about that raises the figure to 50%? Do you mean the ones which saw more than 10" of snow in December and February but not in January? Isn't the famed 1966-67 winter in this list?
  6. how is it that no one ever talked about it before this season? I never heard about it on these forums prior to this year
  7. those trails look really nice, Ed, I just hope you wear a helmet because you can't ever be too safe
  8. I cant stand severe weather because I've lost extremely expensive equipment over it. That needs to stay in the sparsely populated parts of the country.
  9. I hate the term "winter storm" It's either a snow storm, an ice storm, or a mixed storm. "winter storm" is a huge misnomer and needs to be banned from the lexicon because these storms can occur in other seasons too.
  10. low 0 high 10 is an unusually small range, NYC also had a high of 10 that day...what do you think the reason was that JFK was warmer than NYC for lows during both subzero arctic outbreaks that month, Don? JFK is typically colder than NYC for lows.
  11. I thought we had some snow in March? Like maybe a 4 inch event?
  12. yea these models are definitely like the stock market
  13. watching these models is about as bad as watching the stock market
  14. I may regret this but what kind of temperatures are we talking about in week 2? still cold and clammy or maybe some early spring time warmth?
  15. Thanks, Don! So they got to 0 in 1994 but not below?
  16. Don did JFK not get below zero since 1985? That seems really strange as I recorded -3 here in SW Nassau 5 miles southeast of the airport in Jan 1994. We were easily below zero that month.
  17. Ordinarily I would be scared of power outages, but we didn't get them in Jan 1994....you were around for that historic event (I think), what was the reason we didn't have them then and why would they be more likely now? I'm much more scared of driving accidents.
  18. wow almost 3 degrees warmer than the next one. And if it weren't for February all three months would have been above normal. The streak of below 50 highs is also interesting- how many are we up to now, Chris?
  19. If it was like Feb 1922 then it would be exciting (17 inches of snow over three days with sleet and freezing rain mixed in, 4.5 inches of LE) Based on what happened in Texas, either way it's better to be safe, I'm not going anywhere during this storm. There has been a pattern with storms this year, they trend further north and closer to the coast than modeled (even if they get suppressed in the mid range.)
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