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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. what year did you leave Oceanside? I take it it was before the Jan 1994 ice storm so you cant make a comparison for there?
  2. Don, statistically speaking, what is the likelihood of a 6 inch or greater snowfall following a -5 SD AO? Timescale doesn't matter but it needs to be after not before (for obvious reasons lol.)
  3. using statistics alone it's a bad idea to say we're done with winter before March. We get small events up to 4" even in bad patterns. For those people who dont like snow- move to Florida, NY aint for you. It's as simple as that.
  4. wasnt there a winter in the 1900s where the Hamptons had like 50 inches of snow in one storm while NYC had like 20 inches. Sure the Hamptons jackpotted but NYC didn't do so badly. I'm sure there is some centenarian around somewhere still bitter over that winter though lol.
  5. I feel the same way about ENSO- both our best and worst winters have been everything from la nina to el nino.
  6. wow sounds even worse than Jan 1994- how long did the storm last? Got any numbers for JFK? It got to 30/31 here in SW Nassau but didn't make it to freezing but about 5 miles to my east it did. The western part of the south shore "jackpots" in these situations it seems. This event sounds very similar. I think VD 2007 had the same boundary
  7. Yes that was comparable to the ice storm in Jan 1994 from what I've read
  8. I think JFK had it both in 2009-10 and 1960-61, not sure on that though as I'm not sure if JFK got to double digits in the middle storm in Jan 1961.
  9. April snowstorm! I think that happened in 1964 too'?
  10. I remember you said that this was like an early 70s winter....snow+ice+cold but just like back then, we didn't fully realize the potential that was there.
  11. The interesting thing is LGA didn't get affected by the Sound but JFK did. Typically in early season snowstorms JFK beats LGA because the latter is right near the Sound. I remember this was the case in October 2011 and to greater effect in the November 2012 storm.
  12. Brownsville with a WSW first time in a decade Remember the Christmas 2004 event? They must've lost their minds to have a white Christmas there lol
  13. Did you see the PBS series where they were talking about having to cancel a traditional ski and skate event that used to take place every year because they just never had ice anymore and decided to move it to the Alps? I guess the ice is back for this year at least.
  14. I remember Dec 1989, it wasn't fun lol. Cold and dry for a whole month with a brief break for a rainstorm (busted forecast of 8 inches of snow right up until the event), Dec 1989 avg temp of 25 and then we averaged 40 for both Jan and Feb, can you imagine that? Best event of the year was the 6 inches that fell on Thanksgiving, we had a grand total of 4 inches after that for the rest of the season and barely made it to 10 inches total.
  15. no you're dumb for having a car- why do you want a pollution causing dirty fossil using POS car anyway?
  16. yeah I mean we got 4 inches of snow in a bad pattern at the tail end of 2010-11. 4 inch snowfalls are rather routine in bad patterns, thats how we got most of our snowfall in the late 80s and early 90s during some of the worst patterns this area has EVER seen.
  17. last inch of snow is a bit harsh I sincerely doubt that. You might not get 10 more inches of snow, but it would be extremely weird not to get 4-6 at some point, even in a bad pattern. Don showed the statistics support that.
  18. whats the record for how long after a -5 AO the big snowstorm comes? Maybe we still have a chance at the end of the month or the first week of March?
  19. is that thing showing a big cold wave to start March?
  20. three 6"+ events here this season, cant really ask for more.
  21. the 100 hour snowstorm? was that all rain here, Don?
  22. Uncle, how many times has NYC had three double digit snowfalls in a single season? I know it happened in 2009-10 and almost happened in 2010-11 and we missed by the closest of margins in 1960-61 (but I think JFK did have three double digit snowstorms that season.)
  23. it's going to be mostly rain here- the writing is on the wall. Enjoy tonight's event, it's likely the last frozen event we have for awhile here.
  24. it's not "competition" it's people working together. If it was all about competition, then the Euro wouldn't have been number one for more than a decade now.
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