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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. No more like Boxing Day 2010 Go with that analog
  2. It's fine being a warminista but the confounding part is going into threads and celebrating the misery of other people. It has to be some kind of trauma like you said.
  3. And it's quite possible that a huge event like this could alter the pattern in such a way as to blunt the warm up....it's happened before with big storms that affected the pattern that occurred after them for days, sometimes even a week or more.
  4. anything to get snowman19 off our backs Ray....glad you don't have him in your subforum lol, the guy tries to downplay every "threat" and now he's talking about an all out torch for February, getting a big one at the end of January would probably keep him quiet for a few.
  5. But the snowfall numbers seem to have gone up. the furthest west this can go is likely over the eastern end of LI....I dont think it gets that far west (thats where the westernmost ensemble members are on the new Euro), but just inside or right over the BM is probably more likely than going east of the BM.....remember the stronger this gets the more likely it is to be on the western side of the ensembles.
  6. the furthest west this can go is likely over the eastern end of LI....I dont think it gets that far west, but just inside or right over the BM is probably more likely than going east of the BM.....remember the stronger this gets the more likely it is to be on the western side of the ensembles.
  7. This now introduces mixing into SE MA doesn't it?
  8. More like Boxing Day but granted I dont remember 2/78 outside of seeing a lot of white outside
  9. This could trend towards a Boxing Day type event, there is nothing really keeping it from going even further west.
  10. Well at least they are a real NY team. the NJ teams are total failures lol
  11. where is that SE ridge that's supposed to be a permanent feature of our new climate? In theory at least OTS storms should be way less common because of how much stronger it is compared to previous decades in a warmer climate and with warmer Atlantic SST.
  12. Yup as did the city. It happens over and over again, I think it's because urbanized areas can't experience that kind of extreme snowfall event so late in the season.....too much concrete.
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