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ma blizzard

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Everything posted by ma blizzard

  1. same person every time with the most over the top forecast discussions
  2. we pray this ticks SE, the reggie could use another couple weeks
  3. I'd say we are "due" for something like this .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1804_Snow_hurricane
  4. 90% of that thread is an embarrassment, if you want good content / info twitter is the way to go
  5. KBOS sitting at 80, yet literally every WU station within a couple miles is 75-77 we toss
  6. 12z GFS def mutes the cool down next week and torches again D8 onwards, wouldn't shock me to see it play out like that tbh
  7. prob won't be enough to see a measurable impact, but there has been some ~VE4ish eruptions (Ulawun 2x, Raikoke ) over the past couple months that have injected SO2 into the stratosphere
  8. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=BOX-N0Q-0-6#
  9. uncle has a cottage in Dennisport .. luckily (or unlucky) he wasn't there today but waiting to hear back from a renter. Hoping for some good pics!
  10. Fisher is a cool dude - through a mutual friend I got to meet and watch him do the weather segment on set couple years ago
  11. prob gonna happen very soon, offshore wind now
  12. 0.37" with round #2 in Shrewsbury, up to 1.01" for the day
  13. back in Shrewsbury for the week .. 0.63" with the storm that just moved thru
  14. let me know we see something like this again (5/77 500 mb):
  15. any more so than the people debating what constitutes leaf out?
  16. take into account typical GFS BL issues and you have an interesting solution to say the least
  17. pretty wild.. stepping out for a morning run and its 70/57 at KBOS at 830 am on 4/19
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