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Everything posted by rclab

  1. I was in college that. year and houses In Brooklyn with accessible backyards were actually drilling wells. At that time the concern for the quality of that water was not a factor. The well water was used, primarily, for pools and gardening. As always .....
  2. Dry wit is the best medicine. Be well. As always ......
  3. Not so H2O. It’s the overlay of the capital A that gives that illusion in the photo. Your legs, however, would definitely make some of the girls jealous. As always ....
  4. Careful Forky, Mr. Scratch may be listening and you’ll never find a Daniel Webster in today’s reality. As always .....
  5. With the weight of the ‘MOD’ balanced precariously on your shoulders, you can’t always be good. As always ......
  6. My my such intensity. You full name must be Mappy F5 Tornado. No wonder everyone behave in the M A. As always ....
  7. Last I heard, he was just 26. Based on his avatars expression, perhaps that should be taken with a grain of salt. No matter even If you are older, H2O and your plumbing is still good, you’ve beaten the odds, well done. As always ....
  8. Your mother is an amazing person. Your mom is able to create, use and internalize her own positive energy. May I ask how long your parents have been married? When you take stock of yourself I’m sure you are thankful for their successful recipe. May their partnership set a record for longevity. As always ....
  9. S19 will be praying for NYC winter snow and Anthony for a change to rain before that happens. As always ...
  10. And her loving compassion for those in greatest and deserving need. May all be and remain well with you and your family. As always.....
  11. H2O you might as well hold off on the Mods request until Anthony becomes a regular. As always ...
  12. Bless you, they look so good, even the long ago, now forgotten, symbolism. As always ....
  13. That looks so good. If the old saying is true that the way to a mans Heart is through his stomach, Mr J must still be uncontrollably in love. As always ....
  14. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” just send me the recipe. As always .....
  15. Mr, J is a very fortunate to have you as a partner. As long as both His ears are still there you did fine. You may want to report the wasp to the Me Too movement. As always ...
  16. It’s been 47 years since I could say that. As always ....
  17. Reverse/elimination logic. I like it. As always ......
  18. Are you sure you want to know? As always .....
  19. I might try it if it wasn’t smiling. As always ....
  20. My father used to say, “don’t look at it, just eat it” And it doesn’t look that bad. As always ....
  21. It would be perfect if the Franks could be lit. As always .......
  22. Looks like a set piece from a George Romero movie. As always .....
  23. It’s still shinning on Red Hook, fo whatever good that does. As always ......
  24. So that’s what happened to your avatar. As always .....
  25. My pissed off Geraniums wanted to know what happened to the blowtorch wielding professional Meteorologist, named after a kitchen utensil. Thanks, Forky, at least I have something to tell them. As always ....
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