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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good afternoon Ginx. This photo reminds me of an illustration from “The Giving Tree”. It’s quite a testament to you and your family. As always ...
  2. Good morning, Anthony. I pray your mother has wonderful day, celebrating with her family. From what I can sense, for you, all 365, are like today. As always ....
  3. Good evening Liberty. If your wish was granted the average world temperature would rise to above 105 F. Some small part of the Antarctic archipelago might still be habitable between June and September as would whatever land that was still above water north of the Arctic circle between December and March. Well, your correct, the cool May along with every thing else would certainly be gone forever. As always ....
  4. Good afternoon, FX, loved the photo. When you run out of names ( should be in seconds ) which alphabet can you go to? As always ......
  5. But not in the same places. As always .....
  6. I wish I could lift mine that high, either one. As always
  7. Good morning all. I grew up only knowing family. A riotous, raucous, yelling screaming, laughing, crying, but always there for each other experience. The oldest, Matriarch or Patriarch were cared for by a child, generally female, that took over, giving up any desire for domestic partnership to stay and care for the aging parents. The rest of the children and then grandchildren stayed close to help and enjoy the last years. Yes Phineas staying close to Moma was important to us. But staying close to each other was of the utmost importance. Death was an offense to us and as a family taking turns to give our Mama and Papas care-giver a rest was more a blessing than a chore. When my 96 year old grandmother was near death my father and his five brothers took turns staying at her bedside, each night so my aunt could rest. An in law aunt, who was a nurse, was staying every night but needed physical assistance. My aunt asked if we male grandchildren could do it to give our fathers a rest. I, being the oldest volunteered to be first, my grandmother passed away in my arms several hours later. I remembered that when I was holding my wife 40 years later as she passed from this life. So yes CoastalWx, we should cut Anthony sone slack but perhaps we should also admire him for keeping his mother close and protected, balancing family and career and most of all, living up to the expectations of a great man that sired him and would be so proud if he were only here. Have a day of peace , everyone. As always ...
  8. It makes you wonder if an alien intelligence used ‘intelligent design’. As always ....
  9. Good morning Liberty. I agree. Mr. Brennan’s work did highlight the differences present/past in great detail as well as some differences amongst scientists opinions. He did not shy away from our own, present blink of a geologic eye, efficiency in changing/speeding up the natural flow. To me as a minimal knowledge layman it was more educational than editorial. When all was said and done after hundreds of pages, it was sad and poignant. As always ...
  10. Good morning, Don. I read a book, The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypse, Lethal Oceans and Our Quest to Understand Earths Past Mass Extinctions, by Peter Brennan. It, to me, was not entertainment but a literal tour through the first 4+ billion years of our planets existence , the present and possibilities for the next 1.8 billion years. The author is a science journalist. His sources and interactions in his narrative are with Scientists. Geology, Paleontology and Astronomy were at the core. I was so moved that I even wrote a review for Amazon. I found Mr Brennan’s work disturbing and humbling. Be well, as always ...
  11. Good evening Irish. “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” except to chronic complainers. They don’t have any to speak of. As always ....
  12. Thank you Will. You set my evening up for a great fantasy. As always ...
  13. Good Afternoon, Anthony. It look like Oscar just slammed his garbage pail down on Big Birds toes. As always ....
  14. Tip commented on the possibility of a negative tilt event in the New England forum. As always ....
  15. Good afternoon, Anthony. Oscar trying to outdo Big Bird. Then there’s us in the Peanut Gallery, As always ......
  16. Good afternoon RI, it seems the flavor of the opinion defines the pertinence of the rocking chair. Many of us add the word ‘fools’ to those two words ending in years. Stay well all .... As always .....
  17. Good morning gl, I heard the roar in the treetops above the row houses. Now it’ll be ‘sycamore branches incoming’ ..... pail covers outgoing. As always ....
  18. Careful, Forky. That might get you cancelled. As always ....
  19. I had no reaction to the first shot. I thought I’d be home free with the second. As always ....
  20. Good afternoon, Mappy. If it’s any help, I took the second Pfizer shot on March 30th. No initial reaction. 19 hours later, a wave of nausea, headache, arm soreness but no fever. I immediately got horizontal. After about 2 hours the symptoms started to fade and I resumed normal activity.I’m 74 and felt a bit run down but by the next day, just a memory. You’ll probably do much better. As always....
  21. If you do, you and they are blessed. As always ......
  22. Good morning CW, I reread your post while listening to the Johnny Cash rendition of ‘You Are My Sunshine’. That made for a great end to the morning. As always ...
  23. I went to college in central Ark. 68/69. Outside the campus De facto was still in effect. The county was dry but at least, did not have a law against dancing. The citizens in the town/county were the finest folk you could meet. Always courteous and helpful, even to strangers. If you fell on the street a mob would rush to help you. If you had a tragedy in your family the community automatically pulled together for you. The churches, all denominations, were full to overflowing on Sunday and yet and yet ........... As always ....
  24. Good morning Phineas. It may evolve into the yearly voluntary shot, similar to the flu. Either way I’m sure the P industry will be happy and most folks wanting it, reassured. As always ....
  25. Your weekend Mrs J will be, I pray, a painless success. As always ....
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