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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good morning Rob. CPK accrued .77 within 4 hours ending 07:51. During the past 53 hours the Park has gotten 2.10 inches of rain, 1.88 falling within 3 hours of the 53 hour stretch. 1.26 during hours 1 and 2, .62 within hour 51. A good example of convective precipitation. Stay well, as always.
  2. Good morning everyone. CPK received 1.33 between 02:52 and 05:51. I awoke briefly during the one hour that accrued .75 but the sound of the rain lulled me back to sleep. Stay well, as always.
  3. Good morning everyone. .55 as of 07:51 at CPK. Stay well, as always …
  4. …. And yet Rob, as summer wanes the dream, as always, remains ……
  5. Good morning Rjay, Rob, Rmine1. Fine photo, Rjay! You caught that lightening bolt just right. I was up during the event. I sat in the, well lit, dark thinking I was in a B grade 50/60’s horror movie. Most of the rain, Rmine1, at CPK fell in one hour, my aging sycamores, oak, postage stamp and I survived. Stay well everyone, as always ….
  6. Good evening Jacob. The information is on the upper left hand side of the of the watch box. Easy to miss if you’re focused on the map. Stay well, as always ….
  7. Good morning everyone. As perv NOAA, CPK recorded .93 in the 5 hours ending 07:51. Stay well, as always.
  8. Good morning Anthony, roardog. Unfortunately five borough climate wisdom points to a multi cold season tally. The question, personally, for me is; if I start with the 22/23 cold season how many more must accrue before the magic 100 is reached and will I still be here? Stay well and hopeful, as always.
  9. Good afternoon dm25. What a wonderful way to spend the New Year Holiday. If you can please post a photo. My wish is that you are able to return to celebrate your sisters silver and golden anniversary. Stay well, as always …
  10. Good afternoon BxE, Nibor. A word of caution; I believe Will allows his pet devil to exercise in the Pine Barrens. Stay well, as always …..
  11. The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind. As always ……
  12. Good afternoon gravity. If you have some free time, the group may need a new member. Stay well and regular. As always ….
  13. Good morning SS14/w_h. The goal is to have a non contentious discussion regardless of position/belief. Whether one backs the imminence of snow ball earth or the advent of the next Permian extinction event …. should not really affect the ability to discuss civilly. When and if that ability, to discourse, is silenced, it will be a time for mourning. Stay well, as always
  14. Tip your a word artist. The visuals give significant depth to the understanding. Stay well and I hope the pain has eased. As always ….
  15. Grumbling thunder, wind picking up. Large drop rain beginning. Dark seems to be approaching street light activation level. All solar lights in the postage stamp are on. The breeze is refreshing. Stay well, safe and dry everyone. As always ….
  16. Good morning S19/r d. I believe rd’s post was referring, in comparison, to your last sentence. It’s not an issue of comprehension as it is of interpretation of what’s written. Your skills in this area are self evident. The give and take is good way for those of us without those skills to gain a better understanding. Stay well, as always ….
  17. Good morning everyone. CPK managed to drop 13 degrees (82 - 69) in 10 hours between 18:51 and 04:51. Stay well all, as always.
  18. Good afternoon everyone. CPK totaled .15 between 05:51 and 10:51 this morning. Stay well, as always …
  19. Good morning Will. Please continue, it takes the edge off … thankfully. Stay well, as always ….
  20. Will if you ever publish “Trolling With Humor” I’d appreciate a signed copy. I wonder what we Islanders did to piss Mother off. Stay well, as always ….
  21. Good afternoon F H W. Possibly because it gets boring/lonely under the bridge. More probably its to instigate responses that could evolve into a relevant discussion. Stay well, as always …
  22. Good afternoon forky. You might also ask this question …. How many of the c c d’s you’ve mentioned have mitigated or done away with their original position because of the contributions of the posters that they share the forum with? Stay well, as always ….
  23. Good evening everyone. CPK, since 07:51 Friday to 13:51 today received 1.81 inches of rain. 1.24, today, between 07:51 and 13:51. Stay well all. As always ….
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