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Everything posted by Nibor

  1. What's the skill level of the FV3? I see it posted occasionally.
  2. That is quite the look.
  3. Agree, either it will snow or it won’t.
  4. Bruh, I know you lack it in your life but let us have some fun. Have some humility.
  5. I love anything that gives me snow but a well positioned Miller A just hits different.
  6. That is the most wild depiction of any long range run this year other than the Christmas storm that ended up cutting. Fun stuff.
  7. So we’re due. Noted.
  8. No one is saying that. You always go with extremes. Either it’s “warm, nothing, zip, nada, no snow for you!” Or you freak out on an imaginary person calling for a blizzard.
  9. It’s definitely more than that but with cpk you never know what random way they’ll find to mess up the measurement.
  10. Dammit! Just missed it on my camping trip.
  11. We had a few more than just Sierra Nevada Awesome night. Low was 14. Coldest it got in the tent was 21 when the stove went out. We averaged 68 otherwise. It snowed on and off of all day at camp. We made the most of this lame winter.
  12. Camping out in Allaben in the Catskills tonight. It was a magical afternoon.
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