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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Not in Vermont. That’s a frigid looking week 2 and end to April, start to May. There’s going to wind up being some elevation snow in there too. .
  2. An idea of what the base looks like on lower mountain snow making trails. Last foot is solid ice from December. Woods still very much in play today and though the naturals are showing signs of cracking, there is still a lot of snow on this mountain. The real melt starts Thursday, so need to get through this week to see how deep into May we go and what trails besides jet will last. .
  3. We probably got up to around 36-40 during that week when the backside came through the prior storm, but as expected, that was the high point. It’s taken a big hit even with the cold temps. The April sun is just too much. And with the torch this week, 1900’ is going to get demolished. Still, should be some of the best spring skiing of the season the next three days, especially with the freezes overnight tonight and tomorrow. I still think May is doable here, but this week is the end of the naturals. .
  4. Jay will go to May, if not a few weekends deep on Jet and Haynes. While I agree that it was as bad a start as you can get, Feb and March were good up here. Plenty of pow days and as deep a base as there has been in the last several years currently. Not epic, not memorable, but pretty decent. The base will take a major hit later this week, but the skiing sun-weds looks phenomenal. We had fewer thaw/freezes than the last 3 winters. The population center ski season is Christmas through Presidents’ Day and those once or twice a year skiers has a crap year…but overall, I would rate it better than you did up here. .
  5. 348 is the number they are reporting here and that’s pretty much dead on average. Probably scrape together another 15-20 to get to the 360-370 average. Started extremely poorly, but it’s been a hell of a ride the last 6 weeks. .
  6. Absolutely perfect spring day..bright sun, 50 degrees, full coverage and soft snow. Should be 30 and snowing by midnight and low 20s tmrw, but this was fun. .
  7. Still holding onto snow, but barely. About 3”. The pack for what will be April 1 is unbelievable. With the torch tmrw and nothing spectacular in the future, I’m guessing tonight will be the high point til next season. .
  8. Not enough back end to fix the freeze Sunday after the torch and all that water. Hopefully, it softens in the sun Monday. .
  9. Really good out there today…One of the bigger turnarounds this season. I ducked into the woods a couple times yesterday and was quickly reminded why it was a dumb idea. Today, it was back to deep packed powder. .
  10. The pack is strong! Going to be quite the melt out when this goes. .
  11. Winter…. snowed all day and back in the woods. 6-8 on the hill. .
  12. Slowed down, maybe 1.5 from first burst…that upslope looks juicy up her tnrw tho. Has over performer written on it. .
  13. I just got the “don’t bother fixing these” at the repair shop so it’s time..demo’d stockli storm rider 88s and liked them..head kore were good too…currently in volkls and want something different…thoughts??! like the rip sticks too. Glade and steeps skier. .
  14. Too late to fix anything by last chair, but it’s dumping here now. .
  15. For the experts, where’s the warm layer up here that’s causing the rain? 534 thickness overhead and spitting out rain? Nam is colder and I’m assuming at 1900’ we stay mostly snow this weekend, but never hurts to learn. .
  16. Backyard pack at 1900’ is still just shy of my 4’ deck railing. Should lose some weds/Thurs, but net gain after this weekend. Jay will go weekends only for May, but man, they could make almost june this year.
  17. Base building well into early April. The locals will be in heaven when you close that third week of April. It’s going to take a lot of torches to melt that out. Looking forward to jet laps in May.
  18. Tons…but remember, “snow is not a team sport” .
  19. There’s 7 of us and those 4 deer are buried in snow right now. .
  20. Those 12z runs certainly provide some hope. Been going back and forth between wash outs and powder last 3 days. Trends are encouraging, but I’m not sold yet. .
  21. Do you remember them ever blowing either? .
  22. Pounding snow right now and even the globals have it really going strong through tmrw as this pulls away. Hard to believe how we are finishing the season after how it started. Might see another 10 on the stake tomorrow. We just need to dodge any big rains for the next couple weeks. .
  23. It’s a shame how they let those two go. Some of the best terrain on the mountain…I think they both have snowmaking too if they wanted it. .
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