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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. And to expound on this point.....big reason they came back from down 3-0 is that Wake pitched like 4 innings in relief as they were getting waxed in game 3 of the ALCS by the Yanks. Saved the staff.
  2. Some halfway decent elevation in spots, too...relatively speaking
  3. 2011 and 1999 were also fairly east-based, so no sure thing...but helps.
  4. 14OCT2020 19.6-1.2 23.6-1.3 25.3-1.4 27.8-0.9 Region 1.2 hanging tough at -1.2.....3.4 down to -1.4
  5. Almost like the ENSO deformation zone haha Exactly. Same page....pinning the forcing west is never a bad thing.
  6. Do you agree with what I said about potentially keeping westward progression at bay?
  7. Yes...split flow. But all things being equal, I will take the cold source....obviously in la nina when its probably all N stream.
  8. I know its not sexy, but its necessary. Akin to why Wakefield was underappreciated with the Red Sox....guys who throw 200 serviceable IP/season do not grow on trees. You can't win without them. The cold source is Tim Wakefield....Pedro's starts would not have mattered without guys like him.
  9. This may explain why la nina hasn't been migrating westward as assertively as guidance had suggested.
  10. All you can realistically ask for as a fan of winter weather in the mid latitudes is a cold source relatively near by. That essentially eliminates the possibility of a wall-to-wall dead-ratter in the absence of some exotically bad luck. I think people underestimate the value in that.
  11. I didn't do winter outlooks back then...I started in the fall of 2014. You mean my feelings leading up to storms? My outlook wil be out in a few weeks, but will have one more interim update this week. The gradient may not be too dissimilar to that season, though I would hesitate to predict 130" in central NH again.
  12. Being east based helps, as well. It can keep the forcing closer to the dateline.
  13. I saw that. Not happening in terms of strength of la nina, but same periods may remind us of that winter.
  14. Depends how strong....MEI of 1.2 is not a huge deal. I would rather a mod east based event, than a weak west-based. Still some stuff to workout.....regardless, I'm not calling for 1995-1996 neg NAO, so don't get me wrong. Just not last year.
  15. I think the current structure of la nina favors that.
  16. I have to be honest. I am more optimistic than I was a month ago. Only negative is the stronger than expected la nina, but given Tip's bedtime, expanding-Hadley cell erotica, that may not be such a bad thing- SO FAR....la nina has been more deliberate with westward expansion than I had thought.
  17. Its interesting that this hasn't transitioned as quickly west as I had thought.....good sign for the eastern US IMO.
  18. Its tough to predict something as bad as last year.
  19. I do when I feel it prudent to do so. This year, I do not. I will say that the streak of not having any month from DM average negative NAO is going to end very soon.
  20. I must be missing something because those bold numbers do not seem that close to me.
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