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What the actuaries have to say about solar minimums and global climate threats...


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Interesting read, though I know some here may not like it.


Ok, but Walker is not a climatologist, or really an actual scientist for that matter, so his opinion does not mean much.

Brent Walker



Brent Walker Actuarial

Services Pty Limited


Brent has over fourteen years of management experience in the life insurance

industry, ten years in the health insurance industry and 27 years actuarial consulting

to the health industry. In this time he has been involved in advising The Australian

Commonwealth and State Governments, health insurers, life insurers, friendly

societies and retirement villages. He has also undertaken a number of international

assignments in Europe and Asia.

Brent is a past president of the International Association of Consulting Actuaries.

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This is one guy who wrote one paper in a field in which he is not qualified without using any citations.


We know who the multi-billion dollar insurance companies believe. Not this guy. Their actuaries have read and studied climate scientists and came to the same conclusion as everybody else that is not a total kook. And they are now using climate change as part of their decision making.


Also this guys subtitle is not correct english grammar.

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that's like saying anybody that hasn't gone to college, isn't allowed to be an expert in their field.

sometimes you have to live outside the box, to get the real truth.

Indeed. That's why I only go to doctors that never went to medical school.

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that's like saying anybody that hasn't gone to college, isn't allowed to be an expert in their field.  


sometimes you have to live outside the box, to get the real truth.  


And sometimes you shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt just because their unsupported, unscientific hogwash happens to fit with your preconceived notions.


I'll also point out that you conveniently ignored the other part of skier's post. This is "what the actuaries have to tell us" about climate change:


We know who the multi-billion dollar insurance companies believe. Not this guy. Their actuaries have read and studied climate scientists and came to the same conclusion as everybody else that is not a total kook. And they are now using climate change as part of their decision making.

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And sometimes you shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt just because their unsupported, unscientific hogwash happens to fit with your preconceived notions.



And sometimes you shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt, when college courses load your brains up with unneeded chapters upon chapters of information you'll never need to know in your degree / specialty.   Using your own brain for knowledge, helps pinpoint exactly what you need to know...without all the extra garbage.


Even watching some of the newer Mets on TV these days is a joke.   Makes me wonder if they even know a thing about computer models, or if their just reading posts posted here for their guidance , for their evening broadcasts.  


Cheating has even become a big epidemic in college tests over the years.  More of this newer generation are just downright lazy, and more worried about who's currently txting them, then how well they do on a test.


In fact a lot that need a college education to guide them, are also the types that need their hands held more often then not.   It's unfortunate so many doctors these days are training their brains with outdated / incorrect data...that mostly servants their minds to big pharma. Treating illnesses are much more profitable than curing them. I know many people that have been completely cured of chronic lyme...by traveling to poorer European countries, that offer services that 'cure' these kinds of conditions, instead of treating them with pills...like this country is famous for.  

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And sometimes you shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt, when college courses load your brains up with unneeded chapters upon chapters of information you'll never need to know in your degree / specialty.   Using your own brain for knowledge, helps pinpoint exactly what you need to know...without all the extra garbage.


Even watching some of the newer Mets on TV these days is a joke.   Makes me wonder if they even know a thing about computer models, or if their just reading posts posted here for their guidance , for their evening broadcasts.  


Cheating has even become a big epidemic in college tests over the years.  More of this newer generation are just downright lazy, and more worried about who's currently txting them, then how well they do on a test.


In fact a lot that need a college education to guide them, are also the types that need their hands held more often then not.   It's unfortunate so many doctors these days are training their brains with outdated / incorrect data...that mostly servants their minds to big pharma. Treating illnesses are much more profitable than curing them. I know many people that have been completely cured of chronic lyme...by traveling to poorer European countries, that offer services that 'cure' these kinds of conditions, instead of treating them with pills...like this country is famous for.  



You are correct regarding your last paragraph w/ respect to industry control of medical education. I'm fairly well versed in the medical literature and have done a significant amount of research pertaining to health, and simply put, the pharmaceutical industry has (since at least the middle of the 20th century) largely controlled the curricula of medical schools. The industry purchases access to medical schools so that obedient doctors are created to increase the revenue stream for corporations (there's a financial incentive for themselves as well). There are enormous conflicts of interest present in academia (medical schools for the purpose of this post, but it is quite pervasive). Doctors who have attended mainstream medical schools (that it, those who are not naturopathic / chiropractic trained) are taught principally disease pathology and methods to treat disease via pharmaceutical interventions. Little in the way of education is geared toward actual full-scale, holistic healing, addressing the root causes, nutrition, and inducing recovery through safe/effective, natural methods. This nation spends more on health care than rest of the industrialized world, but we're getting sicker overall. Cancer, autoimmune disease, etc. are sky high, and the conventional cancer treatment methods have "success" rates of < 3% generally. So yes, I couldn't agree more. Well-researched individuals are more knowledgeable than mainstream doctors on certain aspects of health, particularly natural healing and disease prevention. I wouldn't diminish the value of a formal education; however, especially for fields that are less susceptible to corruption. 

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And sometimes you shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt, when college courses load your brains up with unneeded chapters upon chapters of information you'll never need to know in your degree / specialty.   Using your own brain for knowledge, helps pinpoint exactly what you need to know...without all the extra garbage.


This looks like a "baby with the bathwater" comment.  Reminds me of a sporting camp owner in northern Maine who complained long and loud about the "wet behind the ears college boy" fisheries biologist who wouldn't bow to the wishes of the sporting camp.  At the time, this "college boy" had over 30 years of field experience in that part of the state, which the complainant chose to ignore.  Sure, there are students who gain degrees having learned nothing beyond how to get that sheepskin.  There are also folks with "experience" who began with false premises and allowed them to bias everything seen afterwards.  On average, I think the degree plus experience will outperform experience only - not in every case, but more often than not.  "By their fruits shall ye know them."

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And sometimes you shouldn't give people the benefit of the doubt, when college courses load your brains up with unneeded chapters upon chapters of information you'll never need to know in your degree / specialty.   Using your own brain for knowledge, helps pinpoint exactly what you need to know...without all the extra garbage.


Even watching some of the newer Mets on TV these days is a joke.   Makes me wonder if they even know a thing about computer models, or if their just reading posts posted here for their guidance , for their evening broadcasts.  


Cheating has even become a big epidemic in college tests over the years.  More of this newer generation are just downright lazy, and more worried about who's currently txting them, then how well they do on a test.


In fact a lot that need a college education to guide them, are also the types that need their hands held more often then not.   It's unfortunate so many doctors these days are training their brains with outdated / incorrect data...that mostly servants their minds to big pharma. Treating illnesses are much more profitable than curing them. I know many people that have been completely cured of chronic lyme...by traveling to poorer European countries, that offer services that 'cure' these kinds of conditions, instead of treating them with pills...like this country is famous for.  


Whats your degree in?

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Whats your degree in?



A little bit of everything.



For chronic lyme sufferers, look into plasmapheresis if you want to be fully cured.  The antibiotic treatments will just continue making the blood tests look inconclusive over the years. (your cured / your not cured, etc) 


And good post, Isotherm.  You know the deal. 


The industry purchases access to medical schools so that obedient doctors are created to increase the revenue stream for corporations (there's a financial incentive for themselves as well).



Gabapentin seems like the one with the big incentives lately.   I hear doctors are pushing it like crazy.   Since it has abuse (addiction) potential in higher doses.  One of the newer ones out there, in terms of abuse.  Since it's a non-opiate, and not Scheduled.... they can prescribe as much as they want.



I usually just use prayer to heal myself and family members.



I've never been religious in any aspect, but what i've realized over the years...is that believing in a good , peaceful , calming, higher power....brings calm , peace to the soul.  The body is less stressed, blood pressure is lowered, and your almost in a meditative state.   This type of state of mind is very good (healing) for all. 

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Let me rephrase:  Do you have a bachelors or graduate degree?



If I said I had Degrees, i'd have to be hush-hush ...to keep the secrets quiet.   (like everybody else does these days) 

Cutting into corporate profits is a big no/no...especially during a shaky economy.


Kinda like if I said baking soda cures cancer.   I'd be trolled to oblivion...even if it were true.   

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This is an interesting thread! I like your personal viewpoints, and glad that you were able to desribe thig slabally concerned issue here! What I can suggest you is to read an article which is available at http://bigessaywriter.com/blog/climate-changing-or-main-problem-of-the-21st-century. The 21st century experiences big problems with climate changing!

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Zika cases will explode so much this year, that by this time next year...it'll be recognized as commonly as the flu.  


Hundreds / thousands in this country have been Zika positive for years now....the problem is there never was any testing warranted for it. So they probably just felt like they had the flu.  And the only time they find out now, is when their spouse happens to become pregnant. (and they get tested)


It's sexually transmittable.....so yea.   


The only way to get a good handle on the amount of cases in this country, is by making everybody get tested for it. 

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