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Everything posted by ILoveWinter

  1. Yea it's rare but it can happen. I'll never forget that Feb '10 storm (I think?) where NYC was being dumped on and Boston was raining in the 50s. That track was so insane that the rain/snow line was north/south oriented so even places north but just east of NYC saw mixing or even rain (I was living in Armonk which is northeast of NYC and I remember that for a time it was mixing while NYC was snowing).
  2. Lack of a high/cold air source is an issue but I would have thought a storm of that strength at the benchmark would generate enough of its own cold air to keep it mostly snow at the coast...?
  3. Norlons are so hard to forecast though, even only a few days out so the range of possibilities are still fairly wide
  4. Really no point in getting overtly excited or disappointed in Op runs a week out, ensembles are the way to go and even for them a week out is a long while. At least we know the potential is there pattern wise.
  5. Of course we can, just ask Snowman and he will clearly lay out all the possible ways we lose in the next few weeks, lol.
  6. yea was hovering around 34 yesterday evening and 33 overnight in Manhattan. Not gonna do it in order to sufficiently accumulate or to stay all snow (not actually sure if it changed over to sleet or rain tho).
  7. Yep, was about to respond mentioning this. My kid was quite upset when she found out about this last year lol.
  8. Glad you may reconsider visiting as it's an absolute gem (especially the less crowded northern end) and you won't be disappointed.
  9. Never been to Central Park?! That's nuts as it's truly one of the greatest urban parks in the world. Also, how can you hate it without ever having been there?
  10. Weather forecast/discussion for Mt. Washington, with absolutely insane wind chills expected - quite a read! https://www.mountwashington.org/experience-the-weather/mount-washington-weather.aspx
  11. Cold Spring? Eh, unless it's snowing who needs that? A warmer than average Spring is at least enjoyable and not overbearing. As a NYC resident, things collapse winter-wise shortly after mid March (with some scattered exceptions) so I'm done with Winter by then!
  12. I'm at 0.0 (technically a trace but that doesn't count)
  13. all snow and coming down at a decent clip in the UWS though too warm to stick
  14. Assuming most are snow weenies, why is MA optimistic?!
  15. Honestly to me, if the snow drought is broken with 0.2 inches which gets immediately washed away, I'd rather it not snow and keep up the drought for effect.
  16. Yea Newburgh itself isn't great but the towns just south are nice (New Windsor or Cornwall).
  17. It's just so boring, I mean there has literally been nothing to track at all (within a week or so anyway). I cannot remember any winter with nothing trackable by mid January (whether or not anything worked out).
  18. With a wind chill of -57 too, crazy
  19. Yea agree. I'm not as much of an expert as many of you (including you Ant) but one thing I do recognize is something anomalous with these model runs. Quite rare to have a mean like this (wow at the QPF) 8 days out, hopefully this continues.
  20. We are close to Mr. Blutarsky levels for snow in the NYC region but I'll take it, lol
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