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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. My brief amateur take on the 12z GFS is that not much changed other than the timing -- was earlier and hence less impactful for Central VA. Precip actually took a slight jog north, looked kinda EURO-y but more south for most of the run until it flipped to a NC snowstorm at the end.
  2. If nothing else this is a good way to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the new FV3 GFS. Leans very suppressed/squashed compared to CMC/EURO/ICON at the moment.
  3. Meh, a little bit. I recognize the unlikelihood and definitely wont be disappointed when this fades into oblivion but the window is there and the GEFS/EPS have had a decent amount of support for first flakes over the past couple of runs. We only get a dozen (maybe a couple dozen) or so shots at cold and precip a year so I’ll pay attention to a look in November if a global model has a storm in 6-7 days. Keeps me entertained.
  4. Now that’s exactly where I want a storm. Loved that GFS run. Definitely some Central VA bias but a good step forward for all. Legit window here for everyone. Would like to see a slight shift south on the Euro or CMC. Changed the map because that old one was bugged out... 42” in NC lol.
  5. I think this is the first winter with the fully upgraded FV3. We’ll find out, lol.
  6. People forget that Central VA cashed out. Got a 1’ in Cville, I think even up to Fredericksburg got 5”. It’s definitely a mental game but I like seeing a suppressed look right now. Better than SNE model porn.
  7. Not bad for Nov 9th. SNE made a thread already lol.
  8. It’s about time! Let greater snow map spam begin.
  9. I’m in Charlottesville for school now. Hopefully my signature is updated. I recognize my name is confusing.
  10. Post storm wind gusts have been much more intense then actual storm, FWIW. Gotta be gusting 45-50.
  11. 18z GFS suggests flakes in the air Day 9. Actually like 13/20 GEFS members are somewhat interesting for this time of year, lol.
  12. Super lame in Charlottesville. Hope you guys have more luck.
  13. GEFS and EPS suggest a somewhat legitimate Day 9 threat window for sure. Something to casually keep an eye on.
  14. Incoming for Charlottesville... let’s see if I survive the gusty winds.
  15. Incoming for Charlottesville... let’s see if I survive the gusty winds.
  16. Low level clouds are racing across the sky in Cville. I haven’t personally seen any sun. Probably gonna be stuck in class for the main event.
  17. Low level clouds are racing across the sky in Cville. I haven’t personally seen any sun. Probably gonna be stuck in class for the main event.
  18. Feel like this event deserves a thread.
  19. meh. If gusty storms and heavy rains with T&L pass over the fully outdoor lawn with a ton of kids, I don’t blame them for hypothetically cancelling. It’s not like this would just be raindrops
  20. boo. Trick or Treating on the Lawn is one of the greatest traditions at UVA. Would suck to see weather impact it.
  21. P015 on the 12z GEFS is a HECS, lol. I’m genuinely interested in Day 12-13 though. Enough persistence on the ensembles of snow somewhere on the EC for my attention.
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