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Everything posted by USCG RS

  1. OT Question - The wife and I are looking to potentially move to the area. Any recommendations? We would likely start in an Apt to get the lay of the land
  2. I wonder how the County Exec is characterizing an EMS Delay, because that is opening the County up to a pretty significant lawsuit. Obviously, we do not have the facts surrounding it, but... I am surprised he would characterize it that way.
  3. @psv88 Sorry to hear about your inflatable. If it's any consolation, Harrows is running their normal post-Christmas deals and the one in Melville still has quite the selection of Inflatables left.
  4. So I was pretty young during the 90s, but I remember when 3-6" was called for and Long Island ground to a halt. Perhaps we're heading into these doldrums again? To those who are older/more knowledgeable, are we beginning to repeat these types of patterns?
  5. @BuffaloWeatherWow & Great work. I hope you and the family and - everyone here from Buffalo and the surrounding region- are staying safe
  6. You had several factors 1) Exceedingly strong winds. These winds crippled the power grid. This lead many to be without heat compounding a very dangerous situation 2) Extremely heavy snow w/ whiteout conditions leading to roads that immediately became impassible. The city went from 2 inches of rain to blinding snow in a very short period of time. Unprecedented. 3) Bone chilling cold. We're not talking 25-30 degrees and heavy snow. We're talking single digits and exceedingly dangerous wind chills (Hurricane force winds) 4) Emergency Response grinded to a halt. The snow was so bad that reportedly every fire truck in Buffalo was stranded. This was reportedly the first time in history that the Buffalo FD could not respond to calls. For several hours a complete stop on response was forced to be implemented. 5) People being people and not realizing the danger. This led to people becoming stranded and/or injured. See point 4. 6) Cars stranded became tombs. Running the heat lead to CO dangers while leaving it not running led to death by extreme cold. There are more factors, but these are the most glaring which I can see
  7. I remember that all too vividly. I do not think I slept more than 20-25 Hours total in that 14 day stretch...
  8. That's funny. Wife and I are literally considering buffalo rn.
  9. I love snow and cold... But I wouldn't hate a mild winter for my heating bills sake...
  10. You have to look at the H5 evolution rather than the Surface. At H5, there is a very large difference. If these changes continue, the Surface will look much different. Time will tell, but there are huge differences this run.
  11. S/W & PNA are night and day.
  12. Just look at the H5. That's a huge signal. Cannot really ask for more this far out. If that H5 continues to show for the next few runs, we will have alot of happy ppl here.
  13. Yup. It's why I know DC to Maine is going to be buried.
  14. Anyone else without internet? Apparently over 75k customers in Suffolk County are down
  15. Some studies pegged the 50-60 dBz death band of Feb 2013 as high as 8-9 in/hr. While this has not been conclusively proven, I can tell you that responding in that was... Nuts.
  16. Actually, I think that record goes to Copenhagen, NY; 2 Dec 1966: 12 inches in one hour.
  17. Essentially. Most have a little rubber draped around for weather proofing, however, the steel is very bare.
  18. Emergency Management POV: Clean your roofs when you can do so safely. This type of weight will collapse roofs. Likewise: remember service drops (electric inputs to house from the pole) are live and not insulated. Be very careful around them.
  19. https://www.ipsfocus.com/ Relatively Inexpensive and maintenance is easy. @forkyfork
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