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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. 36/21 2" is my bar with this one....something to cover the south facing hillsides again would be nice.
  2. I was 18 at the time and that was the only storm I was praying would hold off a few more hours. Trying to beat it home from Killington to FDK. No luck...I was surprised when I hit snow in Scranton and it was a white knuckle drive the rest of the way. At least from what I remember, from watching the news before we left, it wasn't supposed to be that far north yet....3-4am iirc.
  3. Pretty much forms a glacier across the US. Pretty impressive even for an op run. So much tracking ahead...gfs basically had us on the right side of everything that run.
  4. Lets just lock in the GFS thru D13 and move on to training camp and smallmouth....
  5. The features are there but, man, models are certainly jumpy with the placement, shape/orientation of the TPV and how it interacts with energy coming out of the SW. Wed/Thur overrunning seems like the only thing that has some agreement between globals....after that, the options are endless. Hopefully, by Mon we can gain some clarity on post Thursday weather. Seems like a high ceiling depending on how much that final wave amplifies and where.
  6. .4" overnight. Total of 8.4" for the storm but only about 6.5/7" otg.
  7. it does...the stuff up in PA is what has my eye. Hoping that can gain some juice as it heads south.
  8. 8" total for the storm so far. 7.5" otg Flurries and breezy right now. Perfect.
  9. That area as you get toward Jefferson is a classic, localized jackpot zone in a lot of coastal storms. Doesn't surprise me that you over performed.
  10. Para is much closer to a decent outcome next weekend. Late bloomer verbatim...storm signal growing.
  11. Just a hair too far south for the consolidated bands of mod/hvy snow from earlier. Lt/mod all day here with a few bursts of heavier snow. Friend of mine just over the line in PA measured 13"
  12. Wow! Congrats man. That area has been crushed all day....
  13. Heaviest band of the day just moved through. Just shy of 3" new snow. Unique snow day....not too often you see precip move toward you from the SE, E, NE and now almost due north all in a 12hr period and only rack up 3" of snow.
  14. Boy, that band from the north might just make it here. Looks legit on radar and that pic out of Emmitsburg.
  15. Mod snow for the past hour or so. 1.8” new snow. That press from the NE looks great. 6” on the nose from the event.
  16. Mod snow...breezy. Just under an inch of new snow. 5” total. 29/27
  17. Freezing drizzle has turned to pixie dust with occasional flakes. Radar looks better than I thought it would this morning.
  18. Just got back on and realized I never clicked "submit." LOL! ETA: or maybe I did...hell I dont know. The All Days are flowing.... Man...that is a tough one but agree with Fred east is in a better spot. I still feel like there will be some surprises with the banding. No doubt any banding will be eastern PA's leftovers but a solid period of light to mod snow I think is 50/50 even out this far west. Wouldn't surprise me if we have true CCB over the forecasted spots and then a light/mod band further west with subsidence in between. Some modeling has shown this idea....
  19. Man...that is a tough one but agree with Fred east being in a better spot. I still feel like there will be some surprises with the banding. No doubt any banding will be eastern PA's leftovers but a solid period of light to mod snow I think is 50/50 even out this far west. Wouldn't surprise me if we have true CCB over the forecasted spots and then a light/mod band further west with subsidence in between. Some modeling has shown this idea....
  20. Pretty much the same obs here. NAM nest was pretty good very short term...even though it was overdone a bit. Lets see what this next batch does...
  21. Nice expanding band getting ready to push into the 270 corridor.... Light snow 29/24
  22. Hour 69 NAM....I dont know if the thermals are real but the tuck is real.
  23. NAM with even less through 39 and has ticked that way since 18z run yesterday. Euro the exact opposite....GFS is steadfast with regards to how far south that confluence will press. Hoping for some clarity by later today but I would think we would be seeing signs by now of a trend for stronger confluence in some of the modeling other than the euro.
  24. @frd Yes...def impressive for the GEFS LR. I'll have to look at what the weeklies were suggesting at the same time.... Check out the cross polar flow from D10 to the end of the run. The Aleutian low and 50/50 low both spinning in place...HP over GL. Nice! Probably will have to endure a cold and dry stretch but the next relaxation will have more going for it with real Arctic cold in the pattern and just the fact that its Feb.
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