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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Radar returns aren’t great in the north hills but it is snowing moderately here. Can’t wait to see what it’s like under those darker green and yellow returns. Kpit updated their discussion and are forecasting a period of inch per hour rates now.
  2. One thing I love about this city is to can be 10 miles from the city but it looks like you live in the country. Can’t say that about a lot of bigger cities.
  3. I don’t think we have much more than an inch, but the banding set up much better on the east side of the city.
  4. Can any experts give me a now cast as to what is going on? For us out this way all the models have made a significant qpf bump after cutting back last night. Someone said the 700mb low closed off and tat was not modeled? what does it mean?
  5. Thanks for posting because for us in western pa this is a massive expansion west of Heavier precip.
  6. The euro had a huge expansion of the western precip field..put the one inch qpf contour into AGC.
  7. The gradient is pretty extreme on this. Monroeville could have ten inches while moon gets 6.
  8. I think we need to remember this front end is a bit of a bonus. I don’t think the truly significant stuff was supposed to start till 2-4 today.
  9. The HRRR went from 3-4 inches but is now spitting out NEARLY 10 inches. GFS Was the best in awhile. Ukie was west. Point being looks like o melted down last night for no reason.
  10. Hoping the radar can fill in a bit. I am seeing that dry slotting especially north of the city. South hills looks great right now.
  11. McKnight road starting to become snow covered so I’d imagine side roads suck
  12. So latest gfs, mast one to really look at, is significantly better.
  13. It’s actually coming down nicely in the north hills. Better rates and earlier than I expected.
  14. The NAM runs actually aren’t bad. About .8qpf. At this point I’d run with that happily. If I get 6+ won’t complain a bit.
  15. It still only gives like .5 an inch of QPF so I don’t think it is warmth cutting our totals. People kept telling me to look at short term models and right now they aren’t great either....the RAP is also only showing a 4-6 type event.
  16. I think the disappointment isn’t the fact we get two 3+ storms before Christmas...it is that it is continuing the pattern of us getting 4 or 5 inches while 100 miles a way they get 12-18 inches. If this was a clipper (we even get those anymore?) it would be great but it’s painful watching others get a historic storm while we have to be happy with an advisory level event.
  17. Anyone have the 6z euro snow maps, mainly the 10:1 maps?
  18. The 6z euro continues the trend of cutting back...kuchera totals are 7-8 inches in AGC (had been over 10 forever) and that means 10:1 are likely closer to 6. given how bad the HRRR is I just don’t think this event is going to go well give how everything has been trending. Plus, Climo...it always wins out here. edit: just saw the euro qpf map...about .6-.7 inches from west to East in the county. have to hope at this point that we get lucky to get under good banding...otherwise I’ll be really happy if I just get 6 inches or more. Sticking with my 2-4...maybe 3-5.
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