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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. We will see. We still get several inches but really are on a razors edge. edit: looking at the HRRR we still are in the 4-6 range. Ohio gets obliterated with 10 inches on it though lol.
  2. I know people throw this around with tech, but in this case it applies...it is literally unusable.
  3. It would be really wonderful if weather.gov fixed their radar not loading....
  4. So can we get a 30 inch December? What is the December record? I know there are other storm chances before the end of the year.
  5. I have zero confidence in this event, just based off what we have seen with these in the past. Then again literally everything has overperformed this year so maybe this will continue the trend. In any case, we were essentially halfway to our season average before winter even started. Given our last few December’s which seem to remember constantly being in the 50’s that’s a win, not to mention we already got our best storm since 2010.
  6. I just find it hilarious you are doing the same thing you ripped on me for during the last storm. Just a bit hypocritical. carry on.
  7. Yeah...these events are always rough. I like the fact the models are showing a general 2-4 or 3-6, but we also know that post frontal snows are usually fools gold. Honestly though even an inch would be fine on Christmas.
  8. Well never seen this one on the point and click. https://imgur.com/a/y9zefqk
  9. https://imgur.com/a/y9zefqk i think my point and click is wrong.
  10. Thought maybe that was just me. I am guessing they will get that fixed.
  11. Posted this in the Pittsburgh thread, is anyone here having major issues with the new dualpol radar on the nws site.
  12. Man, not sure how I feel about the new radar on the NWS site. I can't seem to get it to even load on my chromebook, and can not get it to really loop.
  13. Meanwhile, I think our climo is a double digit storm ever 2-3 years? We have had one since 2010 (officially this one didn’t get there but it still kind of counts) in March 21st 2018 and that one really was more hours of light snow...not to mention it compacted a lot. I know the DC people get pissy and say “don’t you get 40-50 inches a year?” But when that is from 15 1-2 inch events and 10 other trace events it’s more annoying than anything.
  14. Oh, also I’d assume this is our biggest December storm since 92...do we remember what happened in March of that season??? Just saying....
  15. The difference in reaction from this sub to say DC is amazing. If DC was forecasted to get 18-24 but “only” got 10-14 the meltdown there would be epic. I think many of us are much more snow starved. This is our best storm since feb of 2010 out here pretty easily, while I feel like DC and NYC have had multiple 15+ inch storms since then.
  16. They are in moon, and it makes sense as west was going to have lower totals. If you look at beaver county which they are close to they are in line with that. They are in a good spot to measure totals though and I feel do a good job. I know DC folks are usually howling about their totals at DCA as I’ve seen that Cory get like 24-30 inches but officially they end up with like 15-18.
  17. I ended up somewhere around a foot in the north hills of Pittsburgh. I’m really shocked we beat a lot of you out. Also want to say the euro really nailed it in our area...the GFS was absolutely dreadful though. As little as about 12-24 hours out it showed us getting 3-4 inches.
  18. Pretty sure I had between 10-12 inches in Ross. Really a great storm and the euro really nailed the CCB kicking back into us. The GFS was literally horrendous with this storm.
  19. This sort of stuff is usually reserved for the east coast in bombing cyclones or LES bands.
  20. Most of us out here are pushing 10...we might end up close to a foot here which is a large overperformance.
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