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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Agree. You can see it on some of the seasonal guidance with a maritime Canada ridge. Classic landfall pattern for the US, specifically the east coast. Remains to be seen if that happens though. Steering pattern predictions are especially unskilled at this range.
  2. This is our second top ten recorded flood here…this month. Pretty crazy to witness.
  3. We’ve had ridiculous rain since the start of the month and today was no different.
  4. I definitely would advise against it. I kind of got lucky passing the first road that was starting to flood—the rain was so heavy I didn’t even see it until I was splashing water. The second video reminds me of Hurricane Florence in NC. Just insane amounts of water as far as I could see.
  5. So much of CT is vulnerable given the current pattern. All it takes is a push. Just finished pulling my videos together. Incredible flooding in Ashford.
  6. I stayed until the water receded to the point you could see the road again. That’s not even the worst flooding I saw. It’s incredible up here. Truly dangerous stuff.
  7. I started out a few hours ago as the cells were developing to my east, and ended up on one of the toughest chases I’ve ever done. I came to a flooded road in Willington and stopped there. Basically a river cut through a property and across the road. I tried to get the road closed to no avail (no first responders showed up), and was able to stop some drivers. Most just kept going. A motorcyclist almost got washed away and a car nearly lost control. I tried reporting to BOX but idk if they got the report as the FFW said radar indicated… Went up further to Ashford and it was even worse. Multiple sections of the area were shut down. At this location a guy actually asked me to help remove the barricade so he could drive through AS THE WATER WAS RISING ON THE ROAD. I was soaking wet and quite frankly shaken by the foolishness I saw, but I was able to help people, send reports to first responders and media, I have some pretty incredible video.
  8. I can’t even put into words the stupidity I’ve seen in the last hour. I’ve been trying to close a flooded road and nothing from drivers/local responders.
  9. That area up in Windham County looks pretty nasty. Congrats Pomfret.
  10. Feels pretty good getting a break before peak. My sleep numbers are looking much better.
  11. I'm in government, more on the policy/legal side. Thanks, you too! I do a fair amount of public speaking, and yeah, it can be a lot. Also, congrats @H2O on retirement.
  12. This huge professional thing I've been working on for months is almost at its conclusion and I have no idea how it'll shake out. It can really go either way.
  13. Had a heck of a boomer here this morning. Everything rattled.
  14. I’m not on the hyperactive train yet with SSTs being what they are, but the other signals for another big peak are glaring.
  15. The number of cloudy days are really getting to some of the people I know.
  16. Lol I thought that was the final
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