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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. A lot of it is the new head of the CDC. Getting on national television a few weeks ago and uttering the words “impending doom” was downright embarrassing and pure fear mongering. Totally irresponsible
  2. I’ll believe it when I see it on the August first no restriction stuff. Does that include masks? Like I said... color me skeptical we are wide open by august 1
  3. Second moderna on Thursday.... told my boss not to expect me Friday.
  4. Elon is a lot of things, but being a con man and a fraud might be his best qualities
  5. This is actually a half decent take I think. The power of large corporations in this country is one of the single biggest issues facing America right now.
  6. Sounds like someone owns a few shares.
  7. It may be a very millennial thing for me to say, but it isn’t easy being a young up and coming adult in the United States these days. Long gone are the days of a family of 8 getting by comfortably on the fathers truck driver salary. I read an article that if minimum wage kept up with inflation/cost of living, it would currently be around $24 an hour.
  8. Saturday looks wet on the 18z gfs... seems like potential for any one of the next like 7 days to turn kind of crappy. Spin the wheel of misfortune
  9. That headline is truly pure unmitigated garbage. It should be criminal to lead with that and then the article says almost the exact opposite. Basically, they aren’t even sure if it was linked to the vaccine, it would even be more than what you would expect in the general population.
  10. There is definitely a lack of inventory in the 400-600k range, at least in this area. Any average home that goes on the market has 40 cars at the open house and it’s gone for 50k over asking in hours. It’s amusing to see the approximate value of our house now vs 2019 when we bought, but we are in no real position to leave now, plus, unless you can wait it out, your buying back in at the top of the market, so it’s a wash.
  11. Yeah.... anyone with a sniffle who’s had the vaccine people want to jump to conclusions. Seems overwhelmingly safe regardless of a few issues that pop up here and there.
  12. I paid 6 and change for a 2x4 yesterday... a single board
  13. I will say one thing...the moving of the goalposts is exhausting and horrific for vaccine hesitancy. Having doctors and “experts” getting on tv and podcasts and other forms of media and saying “don’t expect to be gathering for holiday parties this year” is so exhausting. I mean, what are we really doing?
  14. Second moderna on Thursday... exactly 4 weeks from the first. Penciling myself in for a sick day Friday, regardless of how I feel.
  15. About done here... 0.55”.... everything should explode Tuesday and Wednesday
  16. 0.51 and counting here.... just what the doctor ordered
  17. Kevin on his way to three quarters of an inch of rain or more and he thinks it’s stein
  18. .28 thus far... nice steady drink. We take
  19. Canadian wet south of Boston tomorrow too
  20. 12z HRRR is pretty wet here... looks like close to an inch
  21. Yeah.... big difference less than a day before the rain. Euro was pretty wet last night... we ride
  22. Looks like Stein is going to lose tomorrow
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