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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Yeah... I think the end game here is probably the usual suspects. Tough to do better than that so late in the season.
  2. Any chance of accumulating here? Or just maybe some slushy flakes. Seems hard to believe we’d be in the game with proximity to the water here
  3. Sell the clowns here.... maybe we see some sloppy flakes to end
  4. Do we dry out in time for an 8:20 tee time on Saturday morning?
  5. Lmao.... you can have it. I have a tee time on Saturday morning.... I want to play
  6. The only small concern I would have personally is if the land got tied up in some sort of litigation (you may have mentioned this in another post).
  7. As soon as I find something better I’m splitting. No loyalty when you don’t show me any respect. Anyone on here hiring? I’ll make you coffee or get your dry cleaning or something
  8. Our health costs are going up again... it’s likely come July 1 I’ll have less in my paycheck again for the second straight year. Going backwards!
  9. So we are in contract negotiations currently at work. Company came back today and rejected everything the union offered. They don’t want to give a raise this year, after we voted to give back our raise last year and matching retirement after they asked us to sacrifice it, otherwise they would have had to give it to us. No good deed goes unpunished. They floated the idea of a 1 % cost of living raise...which is insulting. I’m pretty sure cost of living has increased more than 1 % in the last 2 years
  10. Dropped 200 pounds of lime and 200 pounds of Milorganite tonight in anticipation of the rain.
  11. Going to buy some lime and fert and throw it down tonight.... wash it in Friday
  12. Why are we halting shots over a handful of significant side effects?
  13. That’s not what I was inferring, if it came off that way. Basically; are the powers that be going to use the continued rise or spikes here and there because there isn’t enough vaccination to continue wit go lockdowns and mask mandates. People who don’t want the vaccine obviously aren’t too concerned about all that stuff
  14. I’ve grown pretty pessimistic on this in the last like 10-14 days. I’m concerned we aren’t going to get away from cases numbers and positives and mass testing. i mean we have school districts down here that return a few positives and they immediately transition to remote for a week or two. This is after prioritizing teachers and school staff for vaccines. So if you aren’t going to change how you operate after the vaccines, what are we really doing?
  15. Everyone is going to have the chance to get the vaccine here in the coming months. My deal is... for those who don’t get it, should we be locking down again when cases rise or spike again because enough people didn’t get the vaccine? What kind of message does that send? The appetite of people who have received the vaccine to continue on the lockdown hamster wheel is going to be very low
  16. I don’t think they did..... they are in the ground... they’ve been in for a week now. It was like upper 20s from what I have on my station. The tops are really black... the bottoms not as black... but I just watered them and they were dropping leaves like crazy
  17. So I planted my soft touch holly and pencil holly last Saturday.... we had a couple of freezing nights this week and I checked them today and they are all black and losing their leaves. I’m stunned. Could a frost really have done that to them? They are hardy down to like -20. And will they come back or are they toast?
  18. It’s a bit concerning we aren’t seeing the downward movement at a fast clip with vaccinations.
  19. So here’s a question... when do you stop mass testing for this? Because you can still get it after vaccination. You could probably keep running on this hamster wheel indefinitely if you wanted too
  20. Icon is a solid half in Plus for most of SNE for Sunday into Monday
  21. Health care/ Heath insurance costs is another area that is going to burst in the near future I think. Untenable in the long term with the current price structure. My employer pays 75% and I pay 25%... between dental and health for just my wife and I... that’s costing me about $350 a pay period (bi weekly). That cost is rising literally every year without fail by 30 or 40 dollars on my end. A coworker of mine jumped ship to a job that paid about 10k less a year in November, but they paid 100% of the health insurance costs. The crazy thing is, is he made a good financial decision.
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