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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Getting covered LOL. Temp went from 38 to 32
  2. Ripping here currently. Last snow of the season?
  3. One of the best to ever do it. Brockton Ma native
  4. Went out to dinner at the easton 99 last night, hours later, the place catches fire. Lol. Damage! https://whdh.com/news/99-restaurant-in-easton-closed-after-fire-scorches-building/
  5. We dry. My sump is usually humming this time of year with the high water table. Nothing so far this year.
  6. That so awesome. My 2nd is on 3/29 at Gillette. I can't wait As you, me, and bob discussed today. Definitely seemed like more appointments were released today. Was able to schedule my dad and mother in law for shots next week.
  7. I’d also suggest a Roth IRA. It basically doubles as a savings account.
  8. I dabble here and there in stocks, but we are only talking a couple hundred dollars or so. I don’t have the appetite to actively manage my investments as far as stocks go. Does anyone here use betterment? I have a Roth IRA set up with them, and it has done incredibly well over the last year ( what hasn’t LOL). I use their in house portfolio, and it seems to be pretty solid. I put like 100 bucks in a month to supplement my main retirement with my employer. My Betterment Roth is significantly out-gaining my employer TIAA over the last 4-5 months or so
  9. Yeah... my specific location close to Easton probably averages somewhere in the mid 40s I’d say.
  10. Hopefully it’s wrong and temps end up closer to normal. We engaging in spring here
  11. My mother contracted Covid like 2 weeks after her first shot. It’s not even that uncommon, I’ve heard several similar stories. Especially between the first and second shot
  12. I mean, I’ve already had it now, and based on literature, I’ll be getting the shot before there is a real chance of me contracting it again. Ive been required to wear a mask at my job, working outdoors, hundreds of feet away from others most of the time, since last April. When it’s 95 and humid out, wearing a mask blows. I’m over it in that regard
  13. I’ve had these discussions privately with family etc, but, reading some of the stuff that comes out is depressing. Seems like the “metrics” for any kind of normalcy continue to shift toward unreachable territory. Numbers improve, and restrictions relax and now the director of the CDC comes out and throws cold water on all the progress and the opening of things, and how it will undo everything. I mean really? I know there is supposed to be no Covid talk, but it does seem like we slowly continue to push towards metrics that are unattainable as far as a return to normal.
  14. Uhm my wife tested positive Sunday feb 14th... and I tested positive Tuesday Feb 16th... so I’d guess sometime that weekend. I had total taste and smell loss for about a week
  15. Thanks guys. feeling good. Taste and smell has returned about 75%
  16. Mine is today and all I got was a hideous freezing cold day.
  17. When we bought our home in March 2019, our purchase was contingent on my parents selling their home, since they would be moving into the in law downstairs and we would be using some of their sale proceeds to put a down payment. We would literally be laughed at today if we tried to buy a house with that kind of contingency
  18. It’s pretty insane that selling your existing home disqualifies you from buying another one in a lot of cases right now . That seems like pretty commonplace stuff. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone to buy a home that wasn’t also selling their existing home. Most people don’t have cash of financing on hand for two homes.
  19. So many great courses in this area. We play west Bridgewater CC and olde Scotland links a ton, they are both only like 10 mins from my house. So great
  20. Interior SE Mass has some nice places, and the snow is pretty comparable to Boston in the grand scheme. Raynham, Taunton, Bridgewaters, Easton, Mansfield.
  21. Bulbs starting to poke through the mulch along the house and driveway. We engage in spring.
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