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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. It’s everyone’s individual decision, but let’s not pretend vaccine is a lot more scary than having COVID. Having had covid and now the vaccine, I’m a lot more concerned with the long term effects covid could have on my heart and lungs than a vaccine.
  2. Yeah, lol.... a huge part. Like the numbers wouldn’t be achievable for a long time if at all without it
  3. It’s literally no different than the potential long term side effects of covid. I find it kind of bizarre that people are petrified of the potential long term effects of the vaccine, but not of actually having COVID.
  4. I mean, it doesn’t get more millennial than me, I just turned 27. Ive ended up in blue collar work (nothing wrong with that), and acquired licenses and certifications that make me a decent wage. The problem is, is I’ve pretty much maxed out, and this isn’t whT I want to be doing long term. I have a bachelors degree in criminal justice. I’ve applied to hundreds of CJ type jobs since graduating in 2016... and received a handful of interviews. It is absolutely impossible to break into the field. I had to pivot to what I’m doing now. Im aware that my long term prospects in what I’m doing now probably aren’t great, but it’s been like banging my head against the wall even trying to get a foot in the door to what I really want to do.
  5. Any employee should show zero long term loyalty to an employer in almost all cases. As soon as it becomes convenient, a company won’t hesitate to drop you like a rock, especially if it can save them a dime. Ask a lot of boomers how that whole loyalty thing has gone over the last 5 or 10 years. My neighbor worked for the same company for over 30 years. Couple years ago, end of the day on a Friday, they laid him off, that was it. 30 years... laid off on a Friday afternoon, no notice, nothing. The double standard of employer and employee loyalty in the American workforce is absolutely outrageous. The employee is supposed to give at least two weeks notice, preferably longer, while the employer can kick your ass out the door with not notice and that’s it. At the end of the day, I have to do what’s best for me. I know if my employer could find a way to axe everyone tomorrow, they would.
  6. Work from home will stop the minute there is a whole scale reduction in productivity across the board. My buddy does accounting/tax work and he figured he’d be work from home pretty much from now on. The place he works for is bringing people back starting next month a few days a week, and plans to have everyone back full time by the summer. Most people just move their mouse every 15 minutes to remain “active” and I guess that wasn’t cutting it.
  7. People don’t want to relinquish the work from home stuff, that’s at least part of it. Teachers unions, especially the larger ones, continue to spin the wheel of reasons why teachers can’t go back, citing variants and all that stuff. If you’re vaccinated and still don’t want to return to classrooms, why is that? Is it safety? Or is it teaching from home on zoom is a good gig, despite everyone trying to tell us it’s harder.
  8. I still wouldn’t write off a pretty crappy day Sunday. Could be pretty wet
  9. Yeah... I think an unfortunate outcome from what has transpired over the last 14 months is the hardest lockdowns and most strict guidelines didn’t have a tremendous positive affect at the end of the day. I mean, mass has been 10x more strict than a place like Florida, and it’s not like we’ve been doing worlds better.
  10. When I booked for my wife and I at CVS... it told me during booking that we would be receiving the Moderna shot, so there were no surprises. I guess if you can find somewhere that tells up front what will be given, then you could theoretically choose. Mass is supposed to be getting 100k single dose Johnson and Johnson shots this week, so my guess is that one will start to become more available in the coming days.
  11. Colleges starting to come out saying students will need to be vaccinated to return in the fall.
  12. Looks like rain back in the forecast for Sunday now
  13. Yeah... my parents had a hell of a time with a porch going through that process at the first house they owned. It was close to wetlands and they gave them hell about being able to build it.... I guess because a porch and deck etc etc is basically an addition to the actual house structure, not an accessory detached building. After that experience they never pulled another permit for anything they did. Sold two houses after they did a good amount of work without permits and it was never an issue.
  14. Thanks, I have a couple months to sit on it. The only reason I’m hesitant is because I’d be asking for a variance to place the shed basically on my rear property line. As I believe it was mreaves who pointed out, my yard is in fact odd shaped, the rear line runs on an angle, so basically anywhere I put it out back, one corner of the shed is going to be close to the property line, unless I angle the shed to face in a totally different direction from my house, which would look kind of ridiculous. It won’t be permanent... 120 square feet and I believe it will sit on blocks... so yes, if it had to be, I think it could be dragged a few feet in some direction.
  15. Yeah, it seems a lot of towns are like that. TAN doesn’t require a formal permit for anything under 200 square feet, but they do want zoning sign off for everything. Well see. I really don’t want to invite the headache of having someone come out if they decided to do that. Looks like the penalty may be 3x the normal fee for doing something without a permit.
  16. Thanks folks. It meets the front and side setback requirements. The backyard is woods and owned by the preserve I belong too. I am within a couple feet of that on the backside, so my worry is I’d need to apply for a variance, and then it becomes a huge issue.
  17. Anyone here put in a shed without a permit? The shed is small and doesn’t require any sort of building permits or anything, but they want you to send them a fee with a design of where the shed will go, so they can give you “sign off” I like to do things by the rules, but it seems to be opening up a can of worms. Additionally, I live on a private street and the shed will sit on my rear property line, and the land behind it is owned by the preserve I belong to, not the town or anyone else. My neighbors are aware and don’t care. Should I bother?
  18. Yup... the lasting effects also aren’t over. Eventually the government aid and beefed up unemployment and stimulus checks are going to end. A lot of people will still be unemployed or under employed from what they were used too.
  19. I got the Moderna shot on Thursday... my arm was sore, and I had slight body aches and fatigue.... this was expected though, especially since I have already had covid. Side effects appear to be more prevalent in people who have already been infected because your body is responding immediately
  20. Definitely doesn’t look like Stein.
  21. Yeah... I don’t know how else you would have done it outside of age for the most part. The statistics showed severity increased steadily with age. If it had been a free for all, you would have had a bunch of 20 somethings bowling over granny to get their vaccines first.
  22. Negative. I went to cvs in carver off of 44. I was up at like 130 last Saturday and went online and had the pick of whatever times I wanted. Does anyone know if Cvs locations are rotating who has the shots? The guy who gave the shot said they are shutting down after tomorrow until people who had this weeks doses need their second.
  23. Just got first dose of Moderna. As I’m waiting my 15 minutes I already have a few horns coming out of the side of my head
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