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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. 3k is a pretty good soaker for most of SNE....... other NAM siblings limit the legit precip to SE areas
  2. Stay the course, nice drink. Everyonw else:
  3. Some pretty heavy rain isn’t far off on most guidance. I think most south of pike and east get a decent drink
  4. Yeah... it’s definitely a weird move to harp on the minute amount of break through infections. And to put a sinister spin on it like this wasn’t supposed to happen. People who do get the breakthrough almost never get sick enough to require hospitalization. My uncle is in his late 60s and said he has a stuffy nose, that’s it.
  5. My uncle became part of a rare group today. Had his second shot 4 weeks ago and tested positive today
  6. .5+ here.... close to a soaker at least locally
  7. Yeah... pretty wide spread for this lead
  8. Yeah.... definitely a cut back north... not much has changed here... some pretty heavy precip is really close by too on a lot of guidance
  9. .50-1.00” of rain Sunday south of pike on the NAM
  10. Yeah... I’d say a solid half inch or so in this area
  11. Yeah.... not as impressive... but still a decent drink down here
  12. 3k NAM was getting ready to soak for Sunday
  13. I’m very impressed with the company. They have quite the operation. I was able to design the shed exactly how I wanted it online, and they answered literally all the questions I had almost immediately. More expensive, but much better than buying something out of the parking lot at Home Depot
  14. Shed came today. 4 guys installed in about 2 hours. Came mostly already built, they just put it together. Pretty cool operation.
  15. Probably not a soaker; but looks like a solid half inch or so for many
  16. Sunday still look wet too you? Canadian backing off is a bit odd
  17. Canadian not impressed with Sunday rains
  18. I meant to ask you this last week, but forgot. Have you considered removing the dirt that’s there and starting over, or has anyone who’s quoted you work suggested that? I work in the field, and a guy I work with had a customer when he owned his own business that had a similar issue to what you seem to have. He said he removed all the loam and replaced it with new material. It was costly, but worked, and this was after several attempts to use what was there. Like was mentioned to me in that discussion, it’s possible the dirt could have been contaminated in some way, or something along those lines. Or it’s simply just not a good batch of dirt and doesn’t support healthy growth.
  19. My second moderna is next Thursday... already relayed to my boss I probably won’t be in
  20. Not sure. I have read articles that say the combination of having Covid and then the vaccine offers something of a “super” immunity. All the folks I know who had the moderna shot and had not previously had covid, had no side effect with shot one. I on the other hand, was pretty ill for like 12 hours, so I’d like to think this was a positive immune response from my body.
  21. I’m a little concerned about the lack of a tangible drop
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