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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. My mother contracted covid between first and second shot. They gave her the second shot like a week out of quarantine, no issues. My wife and I were about a month and a half removed from covid when we got the mixer a dose.
  2. Yes... my wife and I had covid in feb.... we were pretty ill for a few hours the day after.... but it faded fast
  3. The death statistics are what they are, but there seems to be a lot of randomness in the younger crowd. I was lucky and didn’t have it bad, but that doesn’t mean someone my age (27) won’t get it bad. I’m overweight by a bit, but in otherwise good health. Seems to just not matter sometimes though.
  4. I never drink. At my wedding I let loose, a lot. I had about 15 Guinness's, mix in a few bud lights, various shots of this and that. My buddies couldn’t believe I walked out of the venue at 1 in the morning and woke up feeling half decent the next day. Little do they know I threw up in the shower while the room spun at 100 miles an hour all night.
  5. I got a CPAP in October.... literally changed my life.
  6. Ma is kind of a funny state. Smoke em if you got em as far weed goes, but it’s like moving mountains to legalize sports gambling.
  7. The variant hysteria is pretty strange to me too. Wouldnt it be very rare for a variant or strain to me more deadly than the original?
  8. Showers? Looks like many could be a solid inch of rain. I guess an inch of rain is the new showers
  9. Gfs says enjoy Saturday because Sunday is a wash
  10. At least personally, the lack of an endgame is driving vaccine hesitancy. My buddies exact quote the other day was “why would I get the vaccine when I’m still going to have to wear a mask and distance etc etc” He’s not really wrong. Why get the vaccine if nothing will change because of it? At least at work.... people who are fully vaccinated are still being put through the same rigors as people who aren’t. This includes constant masking, testing 1 to 2 times per week. I mean, you aren’t even dangling the carrot of “back to normal” at this point, really.
  11. I’ve been tested probably 50 times. I tested once per week at least, sometimes twice, since July at my job. That obviously stopped when I got COVID in Feb.... haven’t hD a test since
  12. Sunday looks like it could be pretty wet. Stein on the ropes
  13. Covid or no covid, I think they are or were on the way out anyway. So many ways to view movies and media now. If you can wait 10 minutes, you can watch it on your tablet or tv for a fraction of the price. I bought a 65 inch tv for like $350.... I can pretty much create a movie feel in my living room.
  14. First mow in the books.... mulch was 5 for 10 at Home Depot so I went to grab a few bags... wife saw a “magnolia Jane” tree that she had to have.... another 50$ out the window
  15. That’s not really true. They still have to have tables and booths 6 feet apart... so it’s more than likely nowhere close to 100%
  16. Police checkpoints and can be stopped to literally be asked why you are not inside your home. People thing it’s bad here, yeesh
  17. Inch or so on cold surfaces at Stonehill.... also sticking to roads
  18. Flakes mixing in at work in Easton ma
  19. This.... I literally put down hundreds of pounds of like the other day. Wash it in
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