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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Lol, yeah. To each their own, but I’d be far more concerned with the potential long term effects of actually having the virus. Like the random heart issues popping up in healthy basically a symptomatic patients. People think just because they only got the sniffles that it is NBD. Who knows what your insides look like. Im not going to go down this road because I don’t want to get into a pissing contest, but you have to be really careful about the negative stuff you read about with regards to the vaccines.... a lot of terrible anti vaxx sentiment out there.
  2. It’s pretty disheartening to see all this summer stuff being postponed or canceled. That seems to be a massive overreaction and pessimistic view of where we will be in a few months
  3. Not sure if anyone is familiar with Taunton high school, but the practice football fields and track throwers area were completely underwater for weeks from the Taunton River flooding. Water must have reached 6 feet high in the disc cage at its peak... we couldn’t practice for a long time. What is now the brand new turf baseball field also was underwater. Hope that doesn’t happen again.
  4. I’ll shop around... I guess I could do without the power wall... which seems to be a Tesla thing. Digging a bit more, a lot of disastrous stories about Tesla lol
  5. I’m having 3 yards of stone delivered Thursday, it’s basically an extension of a walkway. I bought some azaleas to put with it as well. Can the azaleas be planted directly into the stone? Or should I mulch around them a bit and then stone the outside?
  6. It was a bit odd to be honest. I get the need to convey a message... but the impending doom headline on all these news stations made me lol. Impending doom, what the hell has the last 14 months been?
  7. So as far as Tesla solar goes, what is the story with the SRECs? Ive been doing some digging and there is some commentary on how Tesla keeps these? And that these credits are losing value in general? I’ve talked to Matt (butterfish) and the profit from those alone would make the system worth it, if it stays the way it is. Can anyone explain why they would keep them, or what the story may be with that?
  8. I think people are kind of forgetting the intent of the vaccine. It’s to reduce severe cases and hospitalizations. A friend of mines father was stunned when he tested positive between shots. It can happen, and it shouldn’t be a huge surprise
  9. Not to be a dink, but literally every single one of her pressers since she took over has been like this. Right or wrong, people’s patience with continued restrictions is wearing thin fast since we’ve cruised past the one year mark with these measures in place.
  10. Could be. My mother got covid in between the first and second shot. She had the second shot about a week out of quarantine and was extremely sick for like 12 hours. Fever, vomit, etc etc. and then just like the snap of a finger, she was fine.
  11. I have had it, yes. They still recommend getting the shot though.
  12. Stein going to be taking a beating... Thursday looks washed.
  13. First shot for my wife and I on Thursday evening. We have both had covid, so hopefully we become super immune or something after the shots lol
  14. It’s a pretty elaborate system. 3 pumps. Main pump... backup and then if all else fails, a battery backup that can move several thousand gallons of water without issue. The pump is operating as designed.... just a lot of groundwater at this time of year. Doesn’t run at all for most of the year outside the few spring months. There is also two alarms attached to the system in case for some reason, all 3 pumps failed.
  15. Interesting. It seems like a great deal, in MA especially. Basically, if you can afford your electric bill, you should be able to pay for solar lol. Can anyone here comment on the Tesla system itself? Size of the panels etc etc? There is a solar company right down the street from me, Vivint solar, but some of the reviews are pretty meh.
  16. I’ll have to talk to you more about this, but you get money for selling the power? I’m pretty confused lol.
  17. 0.73 here today. I know nobody wants to hear the Stein stuff, but I do think it’s a bit dry here. My sump has barely run this month, and usually it’s running like 10x an hour if not more. My neighbors well also turns like somewhat artesian at this time of year with water flowing out of the well cap, also not happening this year. Nothinf crazy, but def dry
  18. Yes... Taunton has its own power plant, TMLP. I may pursue it a bit further, especially if the 5 year note would Be cheaper than my electric bill, and then after the 5 years, it’s basically free power. I guess my issue would be is the installation cost and all the other ancillary stuff that I don’t think is included in that quote.
  19. Here is what I got... looks like if I took their loan... I’d save like $78 a month over the life of the loan than if I just paid the Electric bill
  20. I’ve been on the mass vaccine site waitlist for like 2 weeks now with nothing to speak of. I went onto the CVS site a few minutes ago and even though it said all sites were fully booked, they had open slots at a few places. Pretty weird, you refresh and there is a location with unlimited times, and then go back and refresh again and it’s gone, only to reappear again later, kind of glitchy. Anyway was able to book myself and my wife’s first and second doses at the cvs in carver at the same time both days. We will be getting the Moderna vaccine according to the site.
  21. So I ordered my pencil holly from targets website lol.... one showed up today in surprisingly great shape.
  22. Yeah, looks very similar. Potent look on the gfs. Im supposed to be staining my deck next weekend, not good.
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