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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Currently soliciting quotes to have my house power washed.... bring on spring.
  2. Yeah... I would consider my case pretty mild. Had body aches for like a day and that was it other than taste and smell. It also seems taste lags behind smell. Tonight I had chicken and could smell it somewhat but couldn’t really taste it. I guess it’s good that I’m getting hints of taste and smell at this point. My mother has neither taste or smell back at all yet
  3. I tested positive last Tuesday. Can smell some stuff and taste some stuff but it’s fleeting. Doesn’t last.
  4. Looks like golf season will start probably second weekend in May for me. looks like the college is going to try to get spring sports in; which means pretty much 7 days a week for me from late March through early May.
  5. Thanks... that’s actually not my mower. Just used it to illustrate what I was talking about. Ill do that though. In the spring, I’ll clean it all up and see what happens. Maybe I can buy a new spring and it’ll fit better too. I only bought the damn thing last spring. It has probably 15 hours on it. Wish I wasn’t having these issues.
  6. Anyone here familiar with small engines. I have a Troy bilt mower with a Honda engine. I fixed a gummed up carb today. And when I ran it, it was running at low rpm... so there are two holes on the governor arm, I moved it to the further hole, and it ran at pretty high rpm. Is this bad, or can I leave it? to illustrate below. You can see the linkage in the first hole of the governor arm. I moved it to the second hole. there is now more tension, thus running at higher rpm.
  7. Nice day out... fixed my lawnmower that wouldn’t start for the last mow last year. Carb was full of gunk
  8. Could slightly taste my coffee this morning. Just a tiny bit. for folks that lost taste and smell, how long until it returned?
  9. How long was it gone if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been reading horror stories of people who don’t get it back
  10. He’s fine, Thanks for asking. We are all on the mend, all have no taste and smell though lol
  11. Yeah, we all have varying degrees of cold symptoms... I’m not even sure I’d qualify myself as “sick” but I do have loss of taste and smell. My wife is done with quarantine tomorrow... I guess you aren’t contagious anymore after like 10 days.
  12. That sucks.... my wife myself and both my parents have it right now. The loss of taste and smell is maddening. And so strange at the same time. I literally can’t smell or taste a damn thing
  13. God, What I would do to have a warm March. After this Covid hell that my whole family has right now, some nice weather would be welcome
  14. To be fair.... if I did the “official” measuring, it would prob be a bit lower
  15. Tolland CT sounds like the crime capital of New England.
  16. I’ve had a lot of free time (lol) obviously, and it’s absolutely astonishing what the real number of infected people in this country probably is. There are estimates out there that over 120 million people have contracted the virus or roughly 1/3 of the US pop. Especially in the early months of the pandemic, where tests weren’t readily available to all who wanted or needed them, it’s estimated by some, That only 1 in 10 infections were being caught.
  17. Looks like about 7”... winding down it seems... probably going to have to shovel tomorrow. The guy that does our street was here salting the shit out of the road at about noon, probably hoping he wouldn’t have to come back. He was wrong... solid 4-5” on the road
  18. Looks like we pound for another hour or so... heavy stuff right now
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