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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Actually yes. I pulled them out and returned them earlier this week. There was no sign of new growth or recovery on any of the plants. Strange to say the least. If there were any positive signs I was going to let them be. I figured after some warmth and rain they’d do something.
  2. Bakers August 1st for full reopening seems laughably far away given with is going on elsewhere in New England
  3. The days of dad working as a milkman for your local farm for 40 years are over. People stayed loyal to places because they were treated right. There isn’t much advancement anymore because one you advance, the employer cuts your ass in favor of a cheaper option. Job loyalty is the most laughable overrated sentiment in the American job market. The second a place can get rid of you or find a cheaper option, you’re out the door. Climbing the ladder at places is all good and well, except now, unlike 50 years ago, when you get to the top, they yank the feet of the ladder out and you come tumbling down on your neck.
  4. Doesn’t it say a lot that $300 bucks a week is so good to some, they would rather stay home? That is an indictment on the wage a lot of places pay. I understand it’s a nuanced discussion, but I don’t really have all that much sympathy for businesses that don’t have people banging down their doors to work undesirable shifts for $10 an hour.
  5. I have a few buddies in the trades field and I kick myself everyday that I didn’t go that route. They make money hand over fist. Now that I’m married and have a mortgage, a dog, etc etc... it woulD be incredibly difficult if not impossible to go back to learn a trade
  6. I was in high school during the height of the “you need to go to college push” around 2010 ( my first year of college was 2012). Another factor was I was going to be a first generation college student in my family. It was unfathomable to my parents and people around me that I wouldn’t be going to college. A decade later, and it was the wrong choice, and I have no problem admitting it. My degree is worthless as far as I’m concerned, and I missed the boat on a trade when I could have actually done it. A decade later, my parents even admit, other options could have been explored. At that time though, like I said, it was unfathomable that someone with good grades and college prospects would do anything other than go to college.
  7. Seems like you can’t really lose though.... talking fractions ultimately
  8. Also, I’ll say this too, clamoring for everyone to get the vaccine to get back to normal, and then the best you can do as far as updated guidance is to tell people who can adequately distance outside that they don’t need masks, some of the time. That is a horrendous message to send to people on the fence about getting it.
  9. I also love when people go... but there are tons of jobs out there!!!!! Yeah, garbage ones that pay nothing. Smoke and mirrors job market.
  10. So as I’ve mentioned before, my heat and central air are all on one zone for our whole house (2700 square feet, 2 floors). We kicked the tires on adding another zone, and given the current layout, we are talking big big money. I bought a window unit to go in our bedroom so we don’t have to work the system to hard, it’ll give us a nice cool sleeping room. We can tolerate it a bit warmer elsewhere.
  11. What’s a fair price for brake work for a pickup truck per axle? My trucks going in to have at least the rear brakes done tomorrow, and the front ones are also a little iffy. Fair price for the whole truck?
  12. I’m been following for weeks now, I honestly would have expected better in many areas with vaccine numbers. Just not seeing it. Concerning
  13. I mean, I don’t see anything earth shattering? Prevents severe infection was the goal... it also is pretty good at preventing infection period in most people. I don’t see this as a big gotcha! moment
  14. We do a farm share at an organic farm in Easton, right down the road on 138. It’s all certified organic. We do a half share, which is $400 for the year, and runs from May through like early November. It pays for itself like two times over.
  15. Maybe it’s more the items we buy I guess. But I’m not kidding when I say an 80-90 bill for groceries is now like $120.
  16. Ticking up on food? I’d say it’s up like 25-30% in the last 12-14 months. It’s not even subtle
  17. Thanks... I would assume it’s a break issue, since when I apply them it goes away completely, if it was something else, wouldn’t be able to isolate it like that. Very annoying for sure. I’m going to have my brother look at them this weekend to see if I need to schedule a pad replacement
  18. Anyone here familiar with cars? My truck started a hellacious sounding squeak tonight and it happens while driving. As soon as I even do much as lightly tap the brakes, it stops. Brake pads?
  19. The realtor we worked with said she’d probably list our home somewhere around 575-600k right now given the market and improvements we’ve made since moving in. We bought for 405k in March of 2019. Shes also saying anyone with any contingencies are basically out of luck right now. Unless you have complete and approved financing in hand, or cash, forget it.
  20. I live in aPretty desirable location... about a mile to the highway, but a secluded, wooded area, bordering on the large hockomock swamp. The development planning goes back over a decade now, but it was held up for months and maybe even a year by neighbors trying every avenue to prevent the street from being put in. The argument ranged anywhere from more traffic (it’s 14 houses lol) to inadequate well water supply (that was pretty much debunked and they were told there was no legitimate basis for that). it was a classic case of not in my backyard. Everyone resists this type of chance pretty fiercely these days. I think it’s also a play to see what they can get out of the deal. A new road, sidewalks, etc etc. I believe the end result of my street being put in was sewer was run down to it, so people along the route had the option of tying into it.
  21. I think this is pretty important to note. Guys like musk and company pumping doge are doing it so they can inflate the price and quietly get our while it’s high. Similar to GameStop, the inexperienced investor is going to be left holding the back when the big players get out.
  22. I think people get their back up about the speculative talk because it’s just that lol. They know it’s speculative but they don’t want to hear it.
  23. Me too lol... no I’m interested
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