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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Just went to big y in Easton... mask off. It was about 50/50... surprises at the amount without them.
  2. 1.55” on the day... after like .75” before midnight last night. Its funny, my yard usually gets some standing water in low spots with heavy rain. Nothing... not even really soft.... we needed this badly
  3. Went to Starbucks and target this morning, and everyone, including employees were still masked up. These are two companies that said they would no longer require vaccinated customers or employees to wear masks in store if the local laws didn’t call for it. Hopefully it’s just first day feeling it out stuff
  4. This is like a lesser version of the Christmas torch. It’s been like we live in Arizona for the last 2 months. And on the first real summer weekend of the year, we’re going to get half a foot of rain
  5. Is this a bit he plays? Serious question. He’s staring down the barrel of 5 inches of rain over the next couple days
  6. Probably will be some localized flooding around here given how hard and dry everything is.
  7. Does anyone here have experience with what to do with tulips once they have flowered to get them to come back the next year? I had planted like 150 bulbs last fall and almost all of them came up and they looked awesome. once the flowers started to look spent, I cut the head of the flowers off, and left the stem and the rest of the plant. Do I just let them die back now? Or should I cut them to the ground at some point?
  8. Decent model agreement on at least 2” of rain here through Monday... some models double that
  9. I’m pretty surprised at my two good friends. Both educated, smart, level headed, etc etc. they both have not received the shot, and more than likely will only be getting it because it’s going to be required for them to return to in person work. It’s not an anti vaccine stance... I think it’s more just overthinking. I think they are waiting for some boogeyman to arise, which isn’t happening. Like I’ve said before, I had covid in Feb, and am now fully vaccinated. My wife is still having taste and smell issues almost 4 months later. I’m much more concerned about long term covid side effects than a vaccine.
  10. That is absolutely gut wrenching.... where did you see that post by chance? Facebook?
  11. NAM goes from Stein to sump pumps
  12. Wow... just had a huge long rumble here.... felt like an earthquake
  13. My tee time on Saturday morning looks in jeopardy
  14. Kyrie getting ahead of the chorus of boos coming his way this weekend by calling Celtics fans racist
  15. Lol... he actually did... he sprayed the toe and then immediately went in with the needle. It hurt some, obviously, but not much.
  16. Yup, you were pretty much spot on. He said if it starts to do it again, come back, and he’ll put the acid on it. I couldn’t believe how fast it was... basically like the doc could have done it in his sleep. Also:
  17. Here’s more toenail talk. Went to the podiatrist.... he numbed it and cut the edge of the nail off. Didn’t use acid in the nail bed.... didn’t want to do that coming off infection he said.
  18. It amazes me how people are so afraid of the side effects of a vaccine, rather than the Long term complications from a virus we know very little about.
  19. Yeah.... take the under recently on rains
  20. I’ll let you know how close to that it ends up going. This is turning into a gigantic pain in my ass. Working outside and wearing boots all day certainly isn’t helping. Almost seems like the area is becoming inflamed and more painful again. (and for those who commented before, no I am not diabetic)
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