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Everything posted by bristolri_wx

  1. This is silly. While there may be seasonal adjustments in patterns and pattern shifts, there's no guarantee Peter ever needs to be robbed to pay Paul. It's why chaos theory is part of the forecasting paradigm...
  2. The Euro wasn't exactly head-of-the-class in predicting the pattern we are currently in, in the long term a few months back. No doubt this pattern will break at some point, but also not a given that the Euro is sniffing out correctly. Will gladly continue to take the 80's temps and 50's/60's dew points as much as possible. Can't believe there are people that do not like this weather. I at least understand the whole not liking cold and snow thing - that's an acquired taste, and that type of weather can also be annoying. But this is as pleasant as it gets for humans to live in...
  3. Some of the best Independence Day weather in New England in a while. Great cookout/fireworks weather. Enjoy!
  4. Air fryers are glorified convection ovens. There’s ton of recipes and directions online. Many “Instant Pots” are also pressure cookers in most cases. I don’t think they are difficult to figure out, though you may need to do a quick read of the manual to figure out how to switch between different modes. Enjoy the free appliance!
  5. Really good soaking in progress here. I’m contrast, Newport getting almost nothing… interesting drive home hit a wall of rain.
  6. The Japanese Beetle is native to Japan. Not sure if that’s a good comparison…
  7. I’ll totally take 70’s on the fourth. There’s nothing worse than roasting in the sun for two hours at the Bristol parade. Not as much shade as there used to be do to trees dying…
  8. I know there is a lawn thread, but since it’s being discussed here, I’ve been gradually reseeding my lawn with a mix of mini clover and drought resistant grass seed made of mostly tall fescue and perennial rye grass and been pleased. For reference: https://www.outsidepride.com/seed/clover-seed/miniclover.html https://www.scotts.com/en-us/products/grass-seed/scotts-turf-builder-grass-seed-tall-fescue-mix I work two jobs and don’t have time or money to water or fertilize on a schedule, so mowing and trimming is the most amount of effort I can put in. Other than the few weeks where the clover is flowering the lawn looks decent even in the warmer months. I cut on the higher side in July and August and it helps prevent the crab grass and other weeds from establishing themselves. YMMV…
  9. He grills on Euro +10 temp anomalies. Gives the food a nice char. Happy Father’s Day!
  10. If you wanted some good yard work weather to get ready for your Fourth of July party(s), this is it. I’ll take it. Partly cloudy and 70 here.
  11. Ended up being a pretty good storm for southern RI… no Stein today…
  12. Yeah I'm right on the fringe. Still some moderate rain here. Fine by me. It's been dry...
  13. Yeah we got it pretty good here. Nothing severe, but a nice classic summer storm with heavy rain, thunder, lightning, and some wind. Just what the lawn needed.
  14. Anyone else's RadarScope down? My feed is out of date on KBOX and KOKX... dang.
  15. INCOMING! Let's see if this line actually hits me or does the strong cells do the usual end run around me. Been doing yard work all day, just got everything inside.
  16. Would be nice if that line made it here... could use some rain... but it's falling apart as it makes its way east...
  17. Just curious, what is the radar detecting here (circled in red)? Cloud line? Wind shift?
  18. Not the best night for KBOX Radar to be down… Down to 65 here doubt that line makes it here as anything more than a brief shower.
  19. I totally understand people liking warm, even hot weather. But why-the-f$!? does anyone like high dew points? You people enjoy ball dripping sweat all day? I honestly don’t get it. Dry heat beats swamp ass dew points by a mile… Down to 67 here with the breeze. Quite pleasant! Only got to about 80 here but humid. Glad to be near nature’s air conditioning… was in Brooklyn CT for a party today for a few hours and it was 90!
  20. Yup. I would say that about 75% of the time the heavy cells jump either north or south of me. RadarScope often has a line going right over me then they change direction slightly. Must be some sort of interaction with the bay or something. Sometimes we get a direct hit, especially if the storms are moving N or NNE direction. The more east they move the more they jump lol…
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