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Everything posted by bristolri_wx

  1. Make sense, since neither does cold November rain…
  2. Thought of at @Damage In Tolland while reading this in the BOX discussion… Our forestry partners at CT DEEP have requested a special weather statement for elevated fire weather concerns in Hartford and Tolland Counties. We plan on reaching out to our forestry and fire weather partners in RI and MA for their input and a possible special weather statement for those states as well.
  3. Ha, Bastardi forecasted below normal snowfall in the Northeast! When’s the last time that happened? Could be best the omen yet that maybe this winter won’t suck as much as last winter. Sure a broken clock gets it right twice a day but it’s still wrong the other 23:58!!
  4. Yeah I was in Boston today on Newbury St. Felt warmer than that. It was beautiful.
  5. What a nice Coctober day it was! My lawn is brown in spots but only because I had not cut most of it since July 2! It was taller than the dog in a few spots lol…
  6. Been reading up, and it seems like following outcome for this winter based on the data so far - in general terms: - Likely overall to be above normal temps, below normal snow. - Greater chances of a bigger storm or two to setup due to pattern, thank last year. - Greater chances of more arctic cold outbreaks than last year. So a good chance it will be better than last year, but need some luck for it to be much better.
  7. Yeah no longer heading up the coast on the GFS and Euro. Heading NW and merging into a low near Iowa instead lol. Still a long way to go...
  8. This storm/pattern would have been perfect in mid January. I’m sure we will have a Bermuda high then!
  9. We are in a rain delay here in Burrilville with our Labor Day festivities… torrential…
  10. Got hit pretty good in Bristol. Flash flood warning now as the heavy stuff was overhead for a while. Some small hail in places.
  11. In the northeast part of town there were two rounds of hail and some wind gusts that may have been down bursts. Parents have some tree damage at their house and in their neighborhood. That cell drifted ESE into Swansea/Somerset/Fall River area.
  12. Hailing in Bristol, that doesn't happen often. Cell developed right over the area.
  13. That’s was a surprisingly strong cell that blew through here.
  14. Enjoying the COC at Lower Falls on the Kancamagus earlier. 73/53. Was 66 at the pass as we drive through with windows down. Not a drop of sweat to be found in the nether-regions. Now grabbing pizza in Lincoln before the long drive home. The perfect summer day.
  15. I’m pro interesting/exciting weather but anti crotch rot. Not sure dewpoints are as exciting as tornados and hurricanes unless you get a rise out of me showering twice a day.
  16. Only a storm named Debby would have this wind field…
  17. Why is this something to celebrate?
  18. Not the 8-10" we are usually hoping for in SNE.
  19. Well looks like my afternoon is going to be wet…
  20. Heavy rain here. Lovely weather we are having here in the tropical jungles of Bristol.
  21. Lots of reasons for that though, that aren’t necessarily climate related. Most people moving to forced air systems from water based systems makes it easier for central A/C even if you don’t need it. On some systems it’s now more expensive to get it without it since the central HVAC systems are designed for the entire country. Window units are also less expensive in relation to inflation now that last are made in China, Thailand, and Vietnam. I will say the climate related need is that it’s warmer and humid more often than it was a decade ago, regardless of what anyone feels is the cause.
  22. Not complaining at all - just observing. I’ll take the rain, it keeps things green for the sunny days. We’ve been getting hit with the rain all month even when the most severe part of the storms move just north of me.
  23. They seem to move east from Warwick/Cranston, then jump just slightly north of me into Barrington, and then into Swansea. Happens quite often then just moving straight east into Bristol. We’re talking 10 miles, but it makes a difference!
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