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Everything posted by olafminesaw

  1. Lol, the ULL rounds the corner like one of those fair rides that gives you whiplash. Probably something like that is the only way we can score in this pattern
  2. Yeah it's kinda wild. Yesterday evening the GFS had the cold front not even arriving until late afternoon/evening. Now it's showing the cold entrenched and snow almost over by dinner time.
  3. Seems the difference is in the tilt of the trough. The Euro is much more positivity tilted, while the GFS is close to neutral
  4. Any thoughts on travel Friday afternoon/early evening? Seems temps will be in the low 20s at that time, although the timing of the front is still TBD. At what temp would you expect roads to freeze solid?
  5. Hey remember when models were spitting out way below normal temps for pretty much all of North America from Christmas to new years? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  6. I think the Euro is slightly improved through 72
  7. The NAM looks decent to me WRT handling the energy out west. We do need this to dig quite a bit more and/or phase sooner than the GFS to have a shot at significant accumulations.
  8. Big trend from 12z towards more digging of the trough
  9. Always hard to know if any change is the start of a trend or just random variability. But when one model takes a step towards the other and the other model doubles down, the odds certainly skew towards the start of a trend.
  10. Looks to be more in the GFS camp still (dare I say another step towards the GFS?).
  11. I guess one of the biggest struggles is not really knowing what something halfway in-between these two solutions would even look like. I suspect mostly rain for most with a thump of snow on the back end, with the low tracking over the Apps and phasing late.
  12. Kind reminds me of cases of phasing in the past, where we had two widely different outcomes depending on if it happens or not. But this is like, in the reverse?
  13. Alright, the Euro is running. Ladies and gentlemen: get your big big/girl pants on, it's going to be a wild ride.
  14. Yeah, temps are super marginal, but that would change if there was more moisture. GEFS takes a step in that direction, so it's not too far from being a decent little event for the northern piedmont.
  15. The GFS legit has 50-60 mph gusts and 25 mph sustained as the storm pulls away and starts dropping powder. There'd be 3 foot drifts. What a weenie run for the ages.
  16. While we wait: This is a silly sounding. A weenie's nightmare
  17. The WPC agrees, the players are in place, it's hurry up and wait time
  18. I'm definitely slightly conflicted, trying to travel around the holidays. The 6z GFS drops a few inches on us the night before we leave (probably freezes solid under), snows on Christmas in PA, then we get dumped on again when trying to travel back. If that happened we'd probably be staying home for Christmas.
  19. If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on the storm behind the storm being better for us. That's usually how it works out anyway.
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