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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. GSP must have suffered from downsloping in that outbreak and only got to -4, which isn't the all time record. I was in Dacusville though and got to -14. I have some vague memories but was too young to really appreciate or experience it. For that reason I'd love to see it happen one more time in my life. This one being modeled is probably way overdone but would fit the bill.
  2. I would like to see that once in my life. GSP all-time low-high is 18; this would easily break that. Also saw lows around this time below zero for me, and teens below for mtns! Feb 1899, Jan 85 anyone?
  3. 32.9 / 31.1 - it's about as close as you can get for us.
  4. 33.4 / 31.3 rain! Can't make this stuff up.
  5. MAJOR cold continuing to show up in eastern Canada after the 20th; 40s and even some 50s BELOW ZERO. However, it does not want to propogate much across the border. For the SE, while we look to get colder, we don't see much of the arctic air, only getting in to 20s and 10s in the upstate. If Toronto is -50, I would like to think we could have a run at something below zero here, but as usual, the cold stuff either stays west of the apps, or gets hung up in the apps and we downslope into much warmer temps. Great signs for several possible systems during the upcoming time frame, and that's really all we can ask for. Would be nice if everyone on the board could get something during the period. If I were in Tennesse, NC, VA I would be ecstatic! Hopefully the I-85 and I-20 folks can all get in on this too.
  6. I too am excited about the period after the 20th! At the very least, we'll have some good opportunities; here's to hoping they pan out, and it doesn't all go west of Apps/North of 1-40/Become Gulf and coastal suppressors/or some other way to keep the ATL - GSP- CAE triangle snowless!! Per TWC I only go below 31 once over the next 15 days
  7. Yep. Already up to 34.5/29! That was fast. Enjoy guys, I really hope SC can get something from the 1/24 -mid-Feb timeframe, might be our best stretch!
  8. I don't think it will deliver for my area of the upstate. Possibly the area from about TR to Inman and north could see a little light icing, but not my area. I'm currently at 32/27. Even though I'm at freezing right now, I expect my temp to raise several degrees now that clouds are setting in, and with a DP of 27 I have no way to wet bulb down; unless the CAA wedge has yet to kick in, as the models were showing teens for my DPs. I keep looking at the radar and shaking my head; why oh why couldn't we have the December track with this one? Low is about 300 miles too far north. St Louis to Delmarva is the place to be.
  9. Too bad it's counting on a 1052 high! Never, EVER happen! Seeing that is kinda like when Will and Carlton made Geoffrey think he had one the lottery!
  10. Umm, isn't that about 500-600 miles to far north? Nothing but rain for the whole board. Man this current system could be really nice but it's about 300 miles too far north. Got to get the storm track further south for us to get in on the action.
  11. Going all in for the upstate; nice cold rain! Possibly token sleet pellet or barely there glaze on a tree branch at most, otherwise just our favorite cold miserable rain. This is NC north, maybe I40 north. Hoping that late Jan- Feb period works out for non-NC peeps!
  12. Through first 7 days of Jan GSP is +12.2, our monthly low is 41 so far! CAE +14.1!
  13. It's been a couple days, the sitting water in my yard is gone and now it's just muddy. Definitely don't want to get too dry, gotta make sure those skeeters have plenty of breeding places.
  14. I've thought all along this would be mainly a NC and North winter. Other than a small sliver of the upstate, the Dec snow was all NC and North. This looks to be more of the same, except perhaps the state line will be the cuttoff instead of 85. I'm afraid SC is going to face this all winter while NC will continue to get richer. Looks like 2009-2010 all over again.
  15. Hit 70 at GSP today, yikes! Really hoping this mid week cooldown is for real. 66.4 IMBY today, 44.4 currently.
  16. Gorgeous day, but it's certainly not fantastic for January. Fantastic for January would be 20s and snowing. Today would be fantastic for April thru September. 65.8 here.
  17. Do you really think it "goes as planned?" I hope so, but am very doubtful. Other than a week in December, this met winter has been excruciatinly blah with temps (following a record warm fall), and were seeing no real signs of meaningful change, just "hoping" for one after Jan 20th. So far, all the pre winter hype and awesome pattern set ups have failed miserably. Yes, some got in on a good storm in Dec, but many don't live in NC, and I hate to waste most of January. Many areas can score big in Feb, so there's still plenty of time, but we don't have too many more weeks to waste. Back loaded is fine, but I hate trying to eek out something meaningful the latter half of Feb into March as there's too many issues to overcome for many areas, and I'm afraid that's where we're headed. Still, it's Jan second, and it would be silly to cliff dive this early. Here's hoping!
  18. Last year for Jan 1st, GSP was 30/15. Yesterday it was 68/52; can I trade? Per GSP, I'm only supposed to go below 40 once on Sat night, then it warms up again. Someone said back in the fall they were just hoping we wouldn't have a historically warm month this winter, well Jan could do it. THIS STINKS!
  19. Waht is your all time seasonal record? Just saw Mt Mitchell has already had 57.5 inches (before Christmas!), normal to date is 15!
  20. Beautiful pics guys, Im crazy jealous! 50 and rain here yesterday Just curious; what's everyone's seasonal records at your location? I don't think you're in Columbia anymore there Buckethead!
  21. Yeah the rain has been incredible, crazy to see so many multi-inchers one after another. Seems we've been pretty paltry with the highs and the cold, other than our Dec storm, and even that was borderline for most. I remain hopeful, as even the upstate has nine more weeks we could legitmately see snow, but I'm getting that sinking feeling that many of the ingredients we were looking at a few weeks ago aren't coming together. Maybe I'm just being inpatient, as this is "supposed" to be a back loaded winter setup, but I just haven't seen too many signs of bona fide cold yet, anywhere in the country. I know the SSW event has the potential to help with that, but it may also not help us at all; and we always seem to be Charlie Brown with the SSW and -NOA being the footballs. I agree that MA and NE are probably golden this year, but we've got to get a lot in our boat south of NC to get anything. That's another reason why I hated to miss the big dog a couple weeks ago. Despite the common view it was a "bonus" snow, it could also end up having been our best chance all winter in this area. You never know, here's to a big pattern change after mid Jan! It's just a bit of a gut punch looking at the mid range forecasts and seeing nothing below normal for at least a couple weeks.
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