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Status Updates posted by #NoPoles

  1. :) Happy Day After to you!!! Only 1 month till Christmas!!!
  2. aww thanks, that means a lot from a tropic*nt to an icep*ssie :)

    <3 <3 <3

  3. just checking in...crossing my fingers that a gulf spin-up brings you some rain!


  4. a fellow Collie kindred soul...I love those Collies and their pointy noses!

  5. aha!!! i finally figured out how to leave a comment since the upgrade!

  6. are you coming to the g2g?

  7. are you coming to the g2g?

  8. can i call you B-cane for short?

  9. Happy 30th Birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday!!! and Meteorological Winter!!! I'm jealous!!!

    1. weathafella


      Lol...4 years late to say thank you!

  11. hey, i'm in medway as well

  12. hey, just wondering where you have been? you haven't really been active in the monsoon threads :( the desert monsoon is my absolute favorite and this season has been so productive in terms of consecutive storms that produce rain, and not just lightning...hope everything is ok! please come back to the monsoon thread soon! :)

  13. Hey, you coming to the g2g?

  14. hey, you should post more...this overload of testosterone is stifling, at times...

  15. hey, you're in Albany now...you need to come to the sne g2g on Sat!

  16. holy crap...where the hell have i been, you're up to 520+ posts already...

  17. i got bored so i figured i'd stop by and visit? How's NE these days? I have a secret crush on NE...i need to visit the sandhills and kayak the Niobrara

  18. i lift things up, and put them down ;)

  19. I'm giving you an A+ for that post my friend :) forgive me, but who were you on eastern?

  20. is it cold in Cold Bay, yet? :)

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