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Everything posted by AfewUniversesBelowNormal

  1. Global yearly cycle is consistent though.. I'd be less certain about analogs pre-1920s
  2. >1*c rise from March-June (not >1 March).. 2009, 1997. It's 6/7 going into reverse ENSO 2009 is a good analog as far as the 1948-2018 dataset goes
  3. Global pattern change coming in 6-7 days per models, I think it will accelerate ice melt to near record levels through July (I can already feel it)
  4. If you factor in the exponential increase of ice loss in time it's a nonpoint I guess. This is more saying we are leveling up global warmth/overall melt, in a few days.
  5. There is near record Hadley Cell expansion coming up in a pattern change in 6-7 days. Would favor arctic melt down the line I think.
  6. Surface is much warmer than upper levels right now in the Northern Hemisphere. Low at 500mb could be very warm at the surface in certain places.
  7. This would actually be an impressive melt pattern for the arctic if it verifies http://mp1.met.psu.edu/~fxg1/ENSHGTAVGNH_6z/ensloopmref.html Beyond there, there is guidance for +Jul-Aug. Big melt season I think Also, today seems to be a switch from less favorable to favorable.
  8. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_disc_jun2018/ensodisc.pdf
  9. Moving into Weak El Nino territory now. You guys are probably right about Weak to Moderate El Nino.
  10. You can pretty much guarantee the AMO will be rising for the next few months. With a continued strong Atlantic ridge, expected cold thunderstorm activity through the Summer.
  11. Pretty cool, I'd put a watch there too. It's not going to develop though. Global warming, that's why. https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/northrockies_loop.php
  12. I can see more evenening out of the 2013-2016 El Nino. There's probably a really strong El Nino coming up in the next 10 years.
  13. Looking at this graph the tendency may be La Nina for another 1-2 years. Aesthetics are 60% chance it falls in the Fall I think, although it will be hard to cool the subsurface disregarding Weak La Nina chances. SOI is also up since 1998.
  14. If it stays at +Neutral/weak El Nino range, A lot more options globally, where I think a stronger Nino would have narrowed it down quite a bit in this post-2013 pattern.
  15. Atlantic SSTs are cold, El Nino conditions since April, basically really above average precip. I'm just pointing out a pretty significant pattern change.
  16. Furthermore, this subsurface warmth building in the west (~140E) is a sea-saw to La Nina conditions in time. (I cant get it to animate.) http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/MJO/enso.shtml
  17. Check it out, I wonder what's going on? This is last year-like and a definite trend in the last few days.
  18. GFS ensembles are trending more northern-US ridge, constant above average. Maybe a derecho setup down the line. It's kind of trending away from El Nino.
  19. It's a saturated airmass. The tropical Atlantic ridge goes much further west.
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