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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. I dont root for warmth until golf season.
  2. And now everyone knows why i didnt want the cc talk in here. Sigh. @Rjay you clean it up i give up.
  3. Theres a climate change forum, thanks guys.
  4. No mine is much smaller than that
  5. Taking a flamethrower to my driveway this morning. Guess i shouldnt have relied on the “itll switch to rain and wash the little bit of snow away” crowd and cleared the driveway when i had the chance.
  6. https://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KNYC.html link to hourly obs at knyc, where zero plain rain has fallen.
  7. Ok lets try again. If you cant get your ideas across with being an ass, find somewhere else to post. Thanks.
  8. Thats the model output, there is no cya situation in computer models.
  9. Had sleet flurries/sleet shower that froze at first...finally transitioned to drizzle thats now stopped...and we’re above freezing.
  10. I know upton doesnt seem concerned but its still pretty cold out right now with light stuff moving in. Might give people a scare before we warm up later on
  11. You forgot the great august east coast earthquake
  12. My garage door was frozen to the ground this morning...thats a first for me. Almost ripped the damn thing right off the garage ceiling.
  13. I had 4 frozen car doors, a storm door, and my mailbox was a solid brick of ice.
  14. Can ice skate on my front lawn and driveway.
  15. Try a different hosting site. Tinypics maybe?
  16. No offense but that would be a lot more amusing if i was at 25 and heavy snow lol...sorry
  17. We just had our front steps redone in october so im hesitant to even throw salt on them...maybe theyll last longer than the last ones
  18. Havent seen any single person claim that. I have, however, seen people who live 80 miles south doing the exact opposite in an attempt to be correct. If you want to call someone out for wrong obs, dont be passive aggressive. Post your proof or move on.
  19. We scraped the driveway even though it was mostly water...cleared whatever slush we could. Already glad i did, temp is lower than i expected already.
  20. Just drove down 59 from nanuet...where they spent millions of dollars fixing the flooding issues. Well now the ice and leaves have clogged up the storm drains and the roadway is flooded. We drop a couple more degrees and the county will be at a standstill lol
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