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Everything posted by RogueWaves

  1. Tell me about it. I feel like an extension of SOH with +/-1" snows that either melt on contact or within a day. This ain't winter.
  2. Northern piece will have it's say via sampling, and bump us back a few counties south. Then it's game on for qpf, track, strength, longevity, etc..
  3. Agree. Those were total weenie porn for our region. Still liking this potential. Just need to lose the sh*ts the bed east trends.
  4. Current Euro seems a bit more generous with snowfall than it used to be. As for GHD-2 here is a h54 map at 10:1 and it looks beefy for Chicago. That's about the time-frame things really began to gel. 48h GFS pumped out the greatest totals on a map for my region since I've lived here ('02). And to clarify, I mean totals that were realistic.
  5. "some" hyperbole in my post perhaps, but the reference to Modoki ENSO states being more common and hostile to SMI is from professional sources, not just my own hunch, lol. Wrt Stevo's post, I'm not a fan of the huge swings from great months to complete dumpster fire months/periods. Like you, I much prefer some steady ground covering snows with temps to retain it. As you say tho, the past 15-ish years have been a mostly snowy and AN snowfall period. Just not liking the current string of downers. No legit Watch to Warn system in nearly 3 years and that was barely qualified in the end. Need to head back to Feb. of 2016 for a double digit storm here.
  6. Thanks to "Modoki" everything in this warm earth era. This is a big reason why the GL's have warmed the most of any N Lat region in the CONUS. Seems whether it's a Modoki Nino or Modoki Nina, we get screwed the worst. Pretty soon, we'll be reading about "Modoki Neutral ENSO state". Just you watch. Snowmobile track racing is on life-support in our state. They actually race on ice and temps just refuse to cooperate. Ice sculpture events during "winter-fest" = forget it! Record Ice fishing rescues -> happening!
  7. That's not zzz, that's winter! Another 0.4" today. 1.5" = largest event, with 11 of 15 amounts <1". My monthly totals for NDJ look like event totals in even the lamest of seasons. Greatest depth was 1" (but lasted <12 hrs). But hey, I could be Hoosier. At least I've had a borderline shovel event.
  8. Pattern to date, mby: CAD-->WAW-->DTD-->MELT-->REPEAT
  9. Idk? Kinda been dreaming about an 11-12 winter lately.
  10. Weren't you touting how Nina's deliver snowy Decembers? Well..there it is.
  11. Would be nice if this was right, but 2 days is forever in this pattern.
  12. Drove through that after work when it was further SW near Kzoo. Legit rippage. 94 was a mess. Worst night-time drive since chasing the 3/5/12 big dog in NWMI
  13. I see that. Icy Friday, but then thump snows Saturday night.
  14. May be more N in Iowa, but wrt snow swath it's further south in the Mitt. Could be having thermal issues in a different direction with this wave. Although, 12z Ukie had snow south like this too so NAM's not alone today.
  15. 0z NAM bullish on snow which I thought was odd as it's been a warmer model, right?
  16. Following winter storms in this era has become an unmitigated train wreck!
  17. Sweet! 2004 was on the 23rd iirc. Similar deal. Ann Arbor was like 6+, not a flake back my way. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
  18. Congrats OH Peeps. Been a long time coming. Merry White Christmas!
  19. If by wintry you mean more than just cold, that's not guaranteed. Especially with Chicago's history. There's another 98-99. Think of it as the evil twin of the more recent. While the EC from Florida on northeast "enjoyed" one the all-time historical (what's the acronym HECS?) blizzards in the nation's memory, Chicagoans dealt with frozen tundra. From that other futility thread: Remains to be seen exactly which "98-99" analog this winter follows, but my hand is primed to move my $$ from the younger to the elder
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