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Everything posted by butterfish55

  1. Only about 3" so far. Snow has definitely picked uo in the last 15 minutes or so. Seems like that band is moving in here from the north now.
  2. Made it to Key West. Flew into MIA and drove down. 72/70...gorgeous spot
  3. Nice light snow here a couple miles from Brett. Road is covered
  4. Heading to key West with the family mid-morning Christmas Day through New Year's Day. It's much easier to do that stuff once the kids are older and don't really care about presents as much
  5. We have snow falling here in Raynham. Did not expect to see this
  6. As an electrician, I get tons of work from homeowners using YouTube to do their own electrical work. Keep it up everyone! Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
  7. Absolutely pouring now...you should have no problem getting it
  8. Yes, it looks like that map doesn't include Municipal power companies. I know Middleboro has their own as well as our tmlp that services Raynham, Taunton and Dighton.
  9. Been through Raynham, Bridgewater and Taunton this morning. Amazed at the number of roads closed, including main ones. Lots of trees hanging on wires, etc. Good storm for Inland SEMA. This was in Taunton just a minute ago. Had to turn around
  10. Wild night, could hear trees falling in the woods after getting woken up around 3. Still gusting mid 40s. No school in the Bridgewater-Raynham district. Only lost power for a short time. Municipal power company FTW. Can't wait for it to get light and survey any damage
  11. Other than the roads being empty, it feels like mid July here too
  12. Nice morning on the Cape (Yarmouth). Barely a breeze at the moment. Not much color on the trees. Should be rocking here in a little while
  13. Working on the cape this morning. Breaks in the overcast and peaks of sun going over the bridge. 67
  14. If we can keep the torch going through the end of the month and into November the snow will have a hard time sticking to the warm pavement when it eventually comes.
  15. Egypt Falls, Cape Breton, NS Heading home to tropical SEMA tomorrow
  16. We're up at the in-laws farm in Cape Breton, NS. Not quite peak, but still beautiful. Can confirm the BD is through here and it's very windy
  17. Wife and I are heading up to see her parents in Cape Breton Nova Scotia tomorrow for the first time in over 2 years. Foliage should be peaking thru Maine and New Brunswick into NS.
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